Visual Resources Library

Rodrigo Miranda: De Colores

Gallery 3, 03/07/2022–03/11/2022

Advisors: Binh Danh, Jonathan Fung


Artist's Statement

There are times when I have never felt as the person who appears outside of this vessel. There are colors within me that constantly speak to one another. Sometimes they are of similar origins and there are others that are made up of groups of opposite colors. This vessel lives off of the color within. It lives on being able to emulate what the colors look inside of their body and their mind. There is a dance that happens; these ideas, colors, and performances are all a part of the way these eyes see. It resonates onto this fixated idea that there are levels to who I am. I am made of colors. There are colors within that became absent due the complexities of how cultures can be so caring and loving yet also have the most strict and fixed ideas of what that could mean. There is comfort that at the end of the day the symbolism that rings true to me is my everlasting guidance to being who I need to be. My religion in turn became the art practice of being able to picture paint in a manner that illustrates more of the layers that are never really spoken about. In turns these colors and absences of colors are all being what they want to be and in turn becomes adjacent to me the vessel. These ideas and colors are what make me, yet they do not define me.

Me llamo Rodrigo Guadalupe Miranda, y soy de colores.