Visual Resources Library

Randy Ramirez: Metamorphose

Gale Antokal Gallery, 09/27/2021–10/01/2021

Advisors: Shaun O'Dell, Donald Feasel


Artist's Statement

Growing up as a middle class, biracial male from San Jose California, I only had two ways to express myself. One way was playing football and the second was expressing myself through art. Art has always been a form of stress relief throughout my life, helping me with direction and aiding me with growth as an individual. Being a racial hybrid has had a major effect on the way I view art and the way I approach my craft. I choose to work with an assortment of mediums, because, each medium creates its own unique vocabulary. I feel it allows me to create my artistic vision without abstraction. Working in an interdisciplinary style gives me the opportunity to use multiple languages of art and push the limits of what I consider to be acceptable art. I am interested in capturing the movement of life in its organic form and intensifying it into what I believe is quality, meaningful pieces of art. I get my inspiration from my childhood love for street art, art history, current topics, love, pain, life experiences, and 18th century oil paintings. At this time, I am focused on the removal of the brush stroke, while still taking a painterly approach to create my work.
Being a Graffiti artist at heart, over the years I have evolved into an interdisciplinary artist. My intention is to working in a variety of mediums because, it allows me to use what I feel is needed to get my point across clearly. Working freely permits me to create conflict in order to get everyone's attention and bring about deep meaningful conversations. I like to show the viewer a passage without obstruction to create an experience to get them thinking. Constructing artistic objects gives me a voice that can be heard and felt by the viewers. I choose to create works that are vibrant, erotic, abstract, conflicting, enticing, and entertaining.