Visual Resources Library

Michael Huang: People/Memory

Jo Farb Hernandez Gallery, 11/01/2021–11/05/2021

Advisors: Adam Shiverdecker, Monica Van den Dool


Artist's Statement

I created a series of traditional vase forms that have cutouts, tear marks, and throwing marks with exterior parts extending out of the form. Each piece tells a story, inspired by people I have met in my life. I choose to use a traditional vase form because it captures my idea of what a soul would look like. Cutouts are the void that's created by the trauma that has happened to us in life, some that have left us with depression and PTSD. Tear marks show the effect of those memories which trigger anxiety and stress. Throwing lines are the markings of our mental state evolving, sometimes we grow out of our trauma or sometimes trauma grows with us. The exterior parts that grow out of the form are the facade we put on for the world to see, so we can appear undamaged and create a self-defense mechanism. The whole vase is housed on a built-in pedestal, as a representation of something to be treasured. After all the physical form is set, the piece is fired in a gas kiln that exceeds the expected temperature for the clay, letting heat and gravity move the form to give its final shape. It's like all of us are being shaped by the world we live in, formed by the stresses and difficult times in our life.
I invite you all to reflect on the own traumas that you may have experienced in life. Bad things may happen, unpleasant memories may get triggered, but after all the damage is done, with all the adversity we fight through, we are all still standing tall and looking forward to life.