Visual Resources Library

Lucas Garcia: En Otra Vida

Duncan Hall 4th Floor Showcase, 11/08/2021–11/12/2021

Advisors: Binh Danh, Daniel Herrera


Artist's Statement

Nearly two decades ago, my parents made the decision to pack what they could and leave to the United States from Mexico. At the time, I was around the age of two years old. I had no recollection of what life was back in Mexico considering how young I was, and up until the summer of 2021, had never gone back. It took my parents two decades of hard work and determination to settle paperwork here in the U.S before we could ever go back. I missed out on twenty years of growing up with cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents. Some of which who I never got the chance to meet because of their passing. This body of work shows a few of the intimate moments I had while my time there. The family who I never met before, and the places I had never seen was a lot to take in, but even though it was all new, it felt like home. This body of work is a short beginning to a larger continuation that I wish to pursue as I continue to makes trips back to Mexico and build upon the foundation started with my family this past summer.