Visual Resources Library

Stephanie Encinas: Unfocused Dreams

91 Lance Way, Hayward CA 94544, 10/09/2021–10/10/2021

Advisors: Shaun O'Dell, Irene Carvajal


Artist's Statement

Since the start of the pandemic, I've found myself having a more difficult time producing art – an act that usually soothes and relieves stress for me. I would instead stare at a blank white canvas, feeling intimidated, pressured, and not knowing where or how to start.
Fortunately, I had instructors that helped me realize that sometimes you just have to relax and allow things to happen before stepping in to move things along.
I figured that if I allowed the medium to naturally do as it wished so that, in a way, it would start the painting process for me. It helped get the ball rolling, betting myself into a more productive rhythm. I wasn't held down by perfectionism as much as I would have been before. I used this process more and more, including more mediums as I went. It certainly made the process a lot less stressful and enjoyable again.
With each painting, I took the time to find a story within them. Through the years, I would have detailed dreams with characters and stories. Some days I enjoy writing them down in hopes of giving them a physical form here in this waking reality. Some of the characters shared here today are reoccurring, while others have left an impact from only a singular dream. Sometimes I think that a lot of what I would like to produce happens when I am not even aware of it. Only when I'm sleeping or when I let ink and paint move naturally. Maybe I am just a medium myself, and I just need to let myself move so that things out of my reach can come forward.