SJSU Art History and Visual Culture
VRL Image Database

Islamic Artists:

Abd al-Karim al-Misri [Islamic, active century]
'Abd al-Rahim [Islamic, active century]
'Abd al-Samad [Islamic, 1540 – 1595]
Abu Hasan [Islamic, born c. 1587]
Abu Zayd [Islamic, c. 1186 – 1219]
Ahmad ibn Muhammad Astak [Islamic, first active c. 1150]
al-Hasani, Sayyid Shams al-Din [Islamic, active century]
Al-Kirmani, Mahmud b. al-Husain [Islamic, active century]
Al-Mansur ('Nadir al-'Asr Mansur) [Islamic, first active c. 1590]
Al-Wasiti, Yahya b. Mahmud [Islamic, active 13th century]
Anup Chator [Islamic, active 17th century]
Arabshah, al-Hasan ibn [Islamic, active 13th century]
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Basawan [Islamic, c.1556 – c.1605]
Bihzad (Kamal al-Din Bihzad) [Islamic, 1450 – 1536]
Bishn Das [Islamic, first active 1613]
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Dawlat [Islamic, active century]
Dharmdas (Dharamdas) [Islamic, active century]
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Ghulam (raqm-i Ghulam-i Shah Salim) [Islamic, active century]
Ghyas al-Din Jami [Islamic, active century]
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Haydar Ra’is [Islamic, 1492 – 1572]
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Ja'far ibn Muhammad ibn 'Ali [Islamic, first active c. 1181]
Junayd [Islamic, active 14th century]
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Kamal [Islamic, active century]
Kesu Das [Islamic, active century]
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Levni [Islamic, died 1732]
Luqman [Islamic, active century]
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Manohar [Islamic, first active c. 1580]
Mir 'Imad [Islamic, c. 1554 – 1615]
Mir Sayyid 'Ali [Islamic, born c. 1550]
Miskin [Islamic, active century]
Muhammad Baqir [Islamic, first active c. 1750]
Muhammad Nadir al-Samarqandi [Islamic, active century]
Muhammad Qasim Tabrizi [Islamic, active c. 1600, died 1659]
Muhammad Yusuf [Islamic, c. 1636 – c. 1666]
Mu'in [Islamic, first active c. 1635]
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Riza (Riza-yi 'Abbasi) [Islamic, c. 1565 – 1635]
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Sadiqi [Islamic, c. 1533 – 1610]
Senior [Islamic, active century]
Shazi [Islamic, active century]
Shuja' Man'ah al-Mausili [Islamic, active century]
Sinan [Islamic, c. 1500 – c. 1588]
Suleyman [Islamic, first active c. 796]
Sultan Muhammad [Islamic, first active c. 1505]
Sultan Muhammad Khandan [Islamic, died c. 1550]
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Tulsi Khwurd [Islamic, active century]
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Ustad Ibrahim Kashani [Islamic, active century]
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Zain Hasan Sulaiman Isfahani [Islamic, first active c. 1360]