Works by: Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
Capital with the Flight Into Egypt, from Saint-Lazare, Autun
c. 1125-1145, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun
Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
Capital with the Magi Asleep, from Saint-Lazare, Autun
c. 1125-1145, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun
Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
Capital with a Cock Fight, from Saint-Lazare, Autun
c. 1125-1145, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun
Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
Capital with Cain and Abel, from Saint-Lazare, Autun
c. 1125-1145, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun
Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
Capital with God and Cain, from Saint-Lazare, Autun
c. 1125-1145, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun
Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
Capital with the Adoration of the Magi, from Saint-Lazare, Autun
c. 1125-1145, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun
Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
Capital with the Death of Judas, from Saint-Lazare, Autun
c. 1125-1145, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun
Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
Capital with the Presentation of the Church, from Saint-Lazare, Autun
c. 1125-1145, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun
Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
Capital with the Temptation of Christ, from Saint-Lazare, Autun
c. 1125-1145, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun
Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
Capital with Virtue and Vice, from Saint-Lazare, Autun
c. 1125-1145, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun
Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
Eve, from the Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun
c. 1125-1145, Musée Rolin, Autun
Gislebertus [French, active c. 1120 – c. 1140]
West Portal, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, Autun
c. 1125 or 1145, Autun