A | |
Aa, Dirk van der [Dutch, 1731 – 1809] |
Aachen, Hans von [German, 1552 – 1615] |
Abate, Nicolò dell' [Italian, c. 1509 – 1571] |
'Abd al-Samad [Islamic, 1540 – 1595] |
Abel, Hans [German, first active c. 1523] |
Abu Hasan [Islamic, born c. 1587] |
Accotantos, Angelos [Greek, died c. 1436] |
Adam, Lambert-Sigisbert [French, 1700 – 1759] |
Adam, Robert [English, 1728 – 1792] |
Adelcrantz, Carl Fredrik [Swedish, 1716 – 1796] |
Adriano Fiorentino [Italian, c. 1450-1460 – before 1499] |
Aelst, Pieter van, the younger [Flemish, active 16th century] |
Aelst, Willem van [Dutch, 1627 – after 1687] |
Aertsen, Pieter [Netherlandish, c. 1507 – c. 1575] |
Affleck, Thomas [American, 1740 – 1795] |
Agasse, Jacques-Laurent [Swiss, 1767 – 1849] |
Agostino di Duccio [Italian, 1418 – after 1481] |
Ain, Gregory [American, 1908 – 1988] |
Al-Mansur ('Nadir al-'Asr Mansur) [Islamic, first active c. 1590] |
Albani, Francesco [Italian, 1578 – 1660] |
Alberti, Cherubino [Italian, 1553 – 1615] |
Alberti, Leon Battista [Italian, 1404 – 1472] |
Albertinelli, Mariotto [Italian, 1474 – 1515] |
Aldegrever, Heinrich [German, 1502 – c. 1561] |
Alexander, Cosmo [English, c. 1724 – 1772] |
Alexander, William [English, 1767 – 1816] |
Algardi, Alessandro [Italian, 1598 – 1654] |
Allard, Jacobus [Dutch, first active c. 1660] |
Alliincbrod, Joris [Flemish, active 1450, died c. 1481] |
Allori, Alessandro [Italian, 1535 – 1607] |
Allori, Cristofano [Italian, 1577 – 1621] |
Alsloot, Denys van [Flemish, before 1573 – 1625 or 1626] |
Altdorfer, Albrecht [German, c. 1480 – c. 1538] |
Altdorfer, Erhard [German, c. 1485 – c. 1561] |
Altissimo, Cristofano dell' [Italian, c. 1525 – 1605] |
Amati, Carlo [Italian, 1776 – 1852] |
Amberger, Christoph [German, c. 1505 – 1561 or 1562] |
Amigoni, Jacopo [Italian, c. 1685 – 1752] |
Amman, Joos [Swiss, first active c. 1445] |
Amman, Jost [Swiss, 1539 – 1591] |
Ammanati, Bartolomeo [Italian, 1511 – 1592] |
Andrea da Murano [Italian, active 1462, died 1512] |
Andrea di Bartolo [Italian, active c. 1389, died 1428] |
Andreani, Andrea [Italian, c. 1558 – 1629] |
Andreoli, Giorgio [Italian, c. 1465 – 1555] |
Angelico, Fra [Italian, c. 1395 – c. 1455] |
Angler, Gabriel [German, active 1429, died c. 1462] |
Anguier, Michel [French, 1612 – 1686] |
Anguissola, Lucia [Italian, c. 1536 – c. 1565] |
Anguissola, Sofonisba [Italian, c. 1532 – 1625] |
Anselmi, Michelangelo [Italian, c. 1492 – 1556] |
Anthonisz, Cornelis [Netherlandish, c. 1505 – after 1553] |
Antico (Bonacolsi, Pier Jacopo Alari) [Italian, c. 1460 – 1528] |
Antoine de Lonhy [Netherlandish, first active c. 1460] |
Antonello da Messina [Italian, c. 1430 – 1479] |
Antonio da Fabriano II [Italian, first active 1451] |
Antonio da Monza [Italian, first active 1480] |
Antonio da Trento [Italian, c. 1510 – c. 1550] |
Antonio di Pietro da Verona [Italian, first active 1393] |
Antonio Vicentino (Tognone) [Italian, first active c. 1580] |
Anup Chator [Islamic, active 17th century] |
Apollonio di Giovanni Tommaso [Italian, c. 1415-1417 – 1465] |
Apt, Ulrich, the elder [German, c. 1460 – 1532] |
Aquilano, Paolo [Italian, first active 1475] |
Arcimboldo, Giuseppe (Arcimboldi, Giuseppe) [Italian, c. 1527 – 1593] |
Ards, Willem [Flemish, first active 1415] |
Arellano, Juan de [Spanish, 1614 – 1676] |
Arias Fernández, Antonio [Spanish, 1614 – 1684] |
Armstrong, Thomas [English, 1835 – 1911] |
Arnberger, Veit [Austrian, died 1551] |
Arruda, Diogo de [Portuguese, c. 1470 – 1531] |
Asam, Cosmas Damian [German, 1686 – 1739] |
Asam, Egid Quirin [German, 1692 – 1750] |
Aspertini, Amico [Italian, c. 1475 – 1552] |
Asselyn, Jan [Dutch, c. 1610 – 1652] |
Ast, Balthasar van der [Dutch, 1593 – 1657] |
Astor, Diego de [Spanish, c. 1585-1590 – c. 1650] |
Aubry, Étienne [French, 1745 – 1781] |
Audran, Claude, III [French, 1658 – 1734] |
Audran, Gérard [French, 1640 – 1703] |
Audran, Jean [French, 1667 – 1756] |
Auer, Jakob [Austrian, 1645 – 1706] |
Aved, Jacques-André-Joseph [Dutch, 1702 – 1766] |
Avercamp, Hendrick [Dutch, 1585 – 1634] |
Avont, Peeter van [Flemish, 1600 – 1652] |
Ayala, Josefa de (Obidos, Josefa de) [Portuguese, c. 1630 – 1684] |
B | Return to top |
Babel, Pierre Edme [French, c. 1720 – 1775] |
Baburen, Dirck van [Dutch, c. 1595 – 1624] |
Bacchiacca (Ubertini, Francesco) [Italian, 1494 – 1557] |
Backer, Jacob Adriaensz. [Dutch, 1608 – 1651] |
Backhuysen, Ludolf, I [Dutch, 1630 – 1708] |
Bacon, Nathaniel [English, 1585 – 1627] |
Badalocchio, Sisto [Italian, 1585 – 1647] |
Badger, Daniel [American, 1714 – after 1781] |
Badger, Daniel D. [American, 1806 – 1884] |
Badger, Joseph [American, 1708 – 1765] |
Badile, Giovanni [Italian, 1379 – before 1451] |
Baegert, Derick [German, c. 1440 – c. 1515] |
Baegert, Jan (Master of Cappenberg) [German, c. 1465 – c. 1527] |
Baffo, Giovanni Antonio [Italian, first active 1570] |
Baglione, Giovanni [Italian, c. 1566 – 1643] |
Baglioni, Bartolomeo [Italian, 1462 – 1543] |
Bailly, David [Dutch, 1584 – 1657] |
Baldassare d'Este [Italian, 1432 – after 1506] |
Baldi, Lazzaro [Italian, c. 1622 – 1703] |
Baldini, Baccio [Italian, c. 1436 – c. 1487] |
Baldini, Pietro Paolo [Italian, c. 1605 – 1650] |
Baldovinetti, Alesso [Italian, c 1425 – c 1499] |
Balducci, Giovanni (Il Cosci) [Italian, c. 1560 – after 1631] |
Baldung, Hans (Baldung Grien, Hans) [German, c. 1484-1485 – 1545] |
Balen, Hendrik van, I [Flemish, 1575 – 1632] |
Balestra, Antonio [Italian, 1666 – 1740] |
Bamfylde, Copplestone Warre [English, 1720 – 1791] |
Bandinelli, Baccio [Italian, 1488 – 1560] |
Bandini, Giovanni [Italian, c. 1540 – 1599] |
Bar, Bonaventure de [French, 1700 – 1729] |
Barbari, Jacopo de' [Italian, c 1460 – c 1516] |
Barbault, Jean [French, 1718 – 1762] |
Barbet, Jean [French, active 1475, died 1514] |
Bardi, Donato de' [Italian, before 1426 – before June 1451] |
Barendsz., Dirck [Netherlandish, 1534 – 1592] |
Barlow, Francis [English, c. 1626 – 1704] |
Barnard, Edward [English, 1785 – 1861] |
Barocci, Federico (Fiori da Urbino) [Italian, 1528 – 1612] |
Barret, George, the younger [English, c. 1767 – 1842] |
Bartolomeo di Domenico di Guido [Italian, 1430 – 1521] |
Bartolomeo di Fruosino [Italian, c. 1366 – 1441] |
Bartolomeo di Giovanni [Italian, first active 1488] |
Bartolomeo Veneto [Italian, active 1502, died c. 1531] |
Bartolommeo, Fra (Baccio della Porta) [Italian, 1472 – 1517] |
Basaiti, Marco [Italian, first active 1496] |
Basawan [Islamic, c.1556 – c.1605] |
Baschenis, Evaristo [Italian, 1617 – 1677] |
Bassano, Jacopo, il vecchio [Italian, c. 1510 – 1592] |
Bassano, Leandro [Italian, 1557 – 1622] |
Bastiani, Lazzaro [Italian, c. 1430 – 1512] |
Bates, Anthony [English, 1562 – 1607] |
Bates, Harry [English, 1850 – 1899] |
Batoni, Pompeo [Italian, 1708 – 1787] |
Battem, Gerrit van [Dutch, c. 1636 – 1684] |
Battista di Niccolò da Padova [Italian, first active 1425] |
Battista, Agnese [Italian, first active c. 1536] |
Baudesson, Nicolas [French, 1611 – 1680] |
Baudouin, Christopher [French, c. 1665 – c. 1735] |
Baudouin, Pierre Antoine [French, 1723 – 1769] |
Baugin, Lubin [French, 1610 – 1663] |
Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang [German, 1712 – 1761] |
Baumhauer, Joseph [French, active c. 1749, died 1772] |
Baurscheit, Jan Peter van, the younger [Flemish, 1699 – 1768] |
Bazhenov, Vasily [Russian, 1737 – 1799] |
Beardsley Limner [American, first active 1785] |
Beatrizet, Nicolas [French, 1507 – 1565] |
Beccafumi, Domenico [Italian, 1484 – 1551] |
Beck, Leonhard [German, c. 1480 – 1542] |
Beckett, Isaac [English, c. 1653 – c. 1719] |
Bedford Master [French, first active c. 1405] |
Bedoli, Girolamo Mazzola [Italian, c. 1505 – c. 1570] |
Beechey, William [English, 1753 – 1839] |
Beer, Jan de [Netherlandish, c. 1475 – before 1528] |
Beert, Osias, the elder [Flemish, c. 1580 – c. 1624] |
Bega, Cornelis [Dutch, c. 1631-1632 – 1644] |
Beham, Barthel [German, 1502 – 1540] |
Beham, Hans Sebald [German, 1500 – 1550] |
Belbello da Pavia [Italian, active c. 1430, died c. 1473] |
Bellange, Jacques [French, 1580 – 1638] |
Bellano, Bartolomeo [Italian, c.1437 – c.1496] |
Bellechose, Henri [French, active 1415, died before 1445] |
Bellegambe, Jean [Netherlandish, c. 1480 – 1534 - 1536] |
Bellevois, Jacob Adriaensz. [Dutch, 1621 – 1675] |
Belli, Valerio [Italian, c. 1468 – 1546] |
Bellini, Gentile [Italian, c. 1429 – 1507] |
Bellini, Giovanni [Italian, c. 1431-1436 – 1516] |
Bellini, Jacopo [Italian, c. 1400 – c. 1470-71] |
Belliniano, Vittore [Italian, active 1507, died 1529] |
Bellotto, Bernardo [Italian, 1721 – 1780] |
Benaglio, Francesco [Italian, c. 1432 – 1492] |
Benaschi, Giovanni Battista [Italian, 1636 – 1688] |
Benbridge, Henry [American, 1743 – 1812] |
Benedetto da Maiano [Italian, 1442 – 1497] |
Benedetto da Milano [Italian, first active 1503] |
Bening, Simon [Netherlandish, c. 1483 – c. 1561] |
Benintendi, Antonio d'Orsino [Italian, first active 1515] |
Benoni, Giuseppe [Italian, 1618 – 1684] |
Benso, Giulio [Italian, 1601 – 1668] |
Benson, Ambrosius [Netherlandish, c. 1495 – before 1550] |
Benson, William Arthur Smith [English, 1854 – 1924] |
Bentham, Jeremy [English, 1748 – 1832] |
Benvenuto di Giovanni [Italian, 1436 – c. 1518] |
Berain, Jean, the elder [French, 1640 – 1700] |
Berchem, Nicolaes, the elder [Dutch, 1620 – 1683] |
Berckheyde, Gerrit Adriaensz. [Dutch, 1638 – 1698] |
Bergognone, Ambrogio [Italian, c. 1460 – 1523] |
Bermejo, Bartolomé [Spanish, c. 1436 – c. 1498] |
Bernardi, Giovanni [Italian, 1494 – 1553] |
Bernardino d'Antonio del Signoraccio [Italian, 1460 – c. 1532] |
Bernat, Martín [Spanish, c. 1440 – c. 1497] |
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo [Italian, 1598 – 1680] |
Bernini, Pietro [Italian, 1562 – 1629] |
Berruguete, Alonso [Spanish, c. 1480 – 1561] |
Berruguete, Pedro [Spanish, died c. 1504] |
Bertelli, Pietro [Italian, first active c. 1588] |
Berthélemy, Jean Simon [French, 1743 – 1811] |
Berthlot, Guillaume [French, c. 1580 – 1648] |
Bertin, Jean Victor [French, 1767 – 1842] |
Berto di Giovanni di Marco [Italian, c. 1475 – c. 1529] |
Bertoia, Jacopo (Zanguidi, Jacopo) [Italian, 1544 – c. 1573] |
Bertoldo di Giovanni [Italian, c. 1420 – 1491] |
Bertrand, Philippe [French, 1663 – 1724] |
Beuckelaer, Joachim [Flemish, c. 1533 – 1574] |
Beurer, Wolfgang [German, first active c. 1480] |
Beyeren, Abraham van [Dutch, c. 1620 – 1690] |
Biagio d'Antonio [Italian, 1446 – 1516] |
Bianco, Baccio del [Italian, 1604 – 1657] |
Bianco, Simone [Italian, first active 1512] |
Biard, Pierre, the elder [French, 1559 – 1609] |
Biardeau, Pierre [French, 1608 – 1671] |
Bibiena, Giuseppe Galli [Italian, 1696 – 1756] |
Bicci di Lorenzo [Italian, 1373 – 1452] |
Biella, Felice [Italian, 1702 – 1786] |
Biest, Hans van der [Flemish, active 1604, died before 1618] |
Bigot, Trophime [French, c. 1579 – 1650] |
Bihzad (Kamal al-Din Bihzad) [Islamic, 1450 – 1536] |
Bijlert, Jan van [Dutch, c. 1597 – 1671] |
Birago, Giovan Pietro [Italian, first active c. 1471] |
Birckenholtz, Paul [German, 1561 – 1634] |
Bishn Das [Islamic, first active 1613] |
Bisschop, Jan de [Dutch, 1628 – 1671] |
Bissolo, Francesco [Italian, 1475 – 1554] |
Blackburn, Joseph [English, c. 1730 – c. 1778] |
Blaeu, Joan [Dutch, 1596 – 1673] |
Blanchard, Jacques [French, 1600 – 1638] |
Blanchet, Thomas [French, 1614 – 1689] |
Bles, Herri met de [Flemish, c. 1510 – after 1550] |
Blin, Peter [American, active 1675, died 1725] |
Bloemaert, Abraham [Dutch, 1566 – 1651] |
Bloemaert, Cornelis, II [Dutch, 1603 – c. 1684] |
Blooteling, Abraham [Dutch, 1640 – 1690] |
Blyenberch, Abraham van [Flemish, first active 1617] |
Boccaccino, Boccaccio [Italian, before 1466 – 1525] |
Boccaccino, Camillo [Italian, 1504 – 1546] |
Boeckhorst, Jan [Flemish, 1605 – 1668] |
Boffrand, Germain [French, 1667 – 1754] |
Boissieu, Jean Jacques de [French, 1736 – 1810] |
Boitard, François [French, 1670 – c. 1715] |
Boizot, Simon-Louis [French, 1743 – 1809] |
Bol, Ferdinand [Dutch, 1616 – 1680] |
Bol, Hans [Flemish, 1534 – 1593] |
Boldrini, Nicolò [Italian, born c. 1500] |
Bollongier, Hans [Dutch, c. 1600 – c. 1664] |
Bolswert, Schelte [Dutch, c. 1586 – 1659] |
Bolten, Arent van [Dutch, first active c. 1637] |
Boltraffio, Giovanni Antonio [Italian, c. 1466 – 1516] |
Bonasone, Giulio [Italian, c. 1510 – after 1576] |
Bonavia, Santiago [Italian, 1705 – 1759] |
Bonfigli, Benedetto [Italian, c. 1420 – 1496] |
Bonnemer, François [French, 1637 – 1689] |
Bono da Ferrara [Italian, first active 1441] |
Bono, Bartolomeo [Italian, c. 1400 – c. 1464] |
Bono, Bartolomeo [Italian, c. 1400 – c. 1464] |
Bonsignori, Francesco [Italian, c. 1460 – 1519] |
Bonzagna, Gian Federigo [Italian, 1508 – after 1586] |
Boquet, Louis René [French, 1717 – 1814] |
Bor, Paulus [Dutch, c. 1601 – c. 1669] |
Borch, Gerard ter, the younger (Terborch, Gerard, II) [Dutch, 1617 – 1681] |
Bordone, Benedetto [Italian, c. 1450 – 1530] |
Bordone, Paris [Italian, 1500 – 1571] |
Bordoni, Francesco [Italian, 1580 – 1654] |
Borg, Lars Jenssen [Norwegian, 1652 – 1710] |
Borgiani, Giuseppe [Italian, 1685 – 1769] |
Borgianni, Orazio [Italian, 1575 – 1616] |
Bornemann, Hans [German, active 1448, died c. 1474] |
Bornet, Claude [French, 1733 – 1804] |
Borrassá, Luis [Spanish, active 1380, died c. 1425] |
Borromini, Francesco [Italian, 1599 – 1667] |
Bort Milía, Jaime [Spanish, first active 1737] |
Bortoloni, Mattia [Italian, 1696 – 1750] |
Bos, Balthasar van den [Flemish, 1518 – 1580] |
Bos, Cornelis [Flemish, c. 1510 – c. 1566] |
Bosch, Hieronymus [Flemish, 1450 – 1516] |
Boscoli, Andrea [Italian, 1550 – 1606] |
Bosschaert, Ambrosius, the elder [Flemish, 1573 – 1621] |
Bosschaert, Ambrosius, the younger [Flemish, 1609 – 1645] |
Bosschaert, Johannes [Dutch, c. 1607 – 1628] |
Bossche, Agnes van den [Netherlandish, first active 1474] |
Bosse, Abraham [French, 1602 – 1676] |
Both, Andries Dirksz. [Dutch, c. 1612 – 1641] |
Both, Jan [Dutch, c. 1618 – 1652] |
Botticelli, Sandro [Italian, 1444 – 1510] |
Botticini, Francesco [Italian, 1446 – 1497] |
Bouchardon, Edmé [French, 1698 – 1762] |
Boucher, François [French, 1703 – 1770] |
Boucicaut Master [French, first active 1390] |
Bouliard, Marie Geneviève [French, 1772 – 1819] |
Boulle, André-Charles, the elder [French, 1642 – 1732] |
Boullée, Étienne-Louis [French, 1728 – 1799] |
Boullogne, Louis, the younger [French, 1654 – 1733] |
Boulogne, Valentin de (Le Valentin) [French, 1591 – 1632] |
Boulton, Matthew [English, 1728 – 1809] |
Bourdichon, Jean [French, c. 1457 – 1521] |
Bourdon, Sébastien [French, 1616 – 1671] |
Bout, Peeter [Flemish, 1658 – 1719] |
Bouts, Albert (Bouts, Aelbrecht) [Netherlandish, c. 1452 – c. 1549] |
Bouts, Dieric, the elder [Netherlandish, 1415 – 1475] |
Boyle, Richard, 3rd Earl of Burlington [English, 1694 – 1753] |
Boyvin, Rene [French, c. 1525 – c. 1625] |
Bramante, Donato [Italian, 1444 – 1514] |
Bramantino (Bartolomeo Suardi) [Italian, c. 1460 – 1530] |
Braun, Augustin [German, c. 1570 – 1639] |
Braun, Georg [German, 1542 – 1622] |
Bray, Dirck de [Dutch, first active 1651] |
Bray, Jan de [Dutch, c. 1627 – c. 1697] |
Bray, Salomon de [Dutch, 1597 – 1664] |
Brebiette, Pierre [French, c. 1598 – 1650] |
Breenbergh, Bartholomeus [Dutch, 1598 – 1657] |
Bregno, Andrea [Italian, 1418 – 1503] |
Bregno, Antonio [Italian, c. 1425 – 1457] |
Bregno, Giovanni Battista [Italian, c. 1467-1477 – after 1518] |
Bregno, Lorenzo [Italian, 1475-1458 – 1525] |
Brekelenkam, Quiringh van [Dutch, c. 1622 – c. 1669] |
Brendel, Johann Gottlob David [German, first active 1794] |
Brenet, Nicolas Guy [French, 1728 – 1792] |
Breu, Jörg, the elder [German, c. 1475 – 1537] |
Breu, Jörg, the younger [German, c. 1510 – 1547] |
Brewster, John [American, 1766 – 1854] |
Bridges, Charles [English, 1670 – 1747] |
Bril, Paul [Flemish, 1554 – 1626] |
Briot, François [French, 1550 – 1612] |
Broeck, Crispin van den [Flemish, 1523 – 1589 - 1591] |
Broeck, Elias van den [Dutch, 1657 – 1708] |
Broederlam, Melchior [Netherlandish, first active 1381] |
Bronchorst, Jan van [Dutch, c. 1603 – 1661] |
Bronchorst, Johannes Jansz. van [Dutch, 1627 – 1656] |
Bronzino, Agnolo [Italian, 1503 – 1572] |
Brosamer, Hans [German, c. 1500 – 1552] |
Brouwer, Adriaen [Flemish, 1605/1606 – 1638] |
Bruegel, Pieter, I (Bruegel, Pieter, the elder) [Flemish, c. 1525 – 1569] |
Brueghel, Abraham [Flemish, c. 1631 – c. 1690] |
Brueghel, Jan, the elder [Flemish, 1568 – 1625] |
Brueghel, Jan, the younger [Flemish, 1601 – 1678] |
Brueghel, Pieter, II [Flemish, c. 1564 – c. 1638] |
Brüggemann, Hans [German, c. 1480 – c. 1540] |
Bruggen, Conrad van der [Flemish, 1615 – in/after 1671] |
Brugghen, Hendrick ter [Dutch, 1588 – 1629] |
Brun, Louis-Auguste [Swiss, 1758 – 1815] |
Brunelleschi, Filippo [Italian, 1377 – 1446] |
Bruni, Domenico [Italian, 1591 – 1666] |
Brunswick Monogrammist [Flemish, first active c. 1525] |
Brusasorci, Domenico [Italian, c. 1516 – 1567] |
Bruyn, Bartholomaeus, the elder [German, 1493 – 1555] |
Bruyn, Bartholomaeus, the younger [German, c. 1530 – 1610] |
Bry, Theodor de [Flemish, 1528 – 1598] |
Buck, Adam [English, 1759 – 1833] |
Buckland, William [English, 1734 – 1774] |
Bugiardini, Giuliano [Italian, 1475 – 1554] |
Buglioni, Benedetto [Italian, 1461 – 1521] |
Buglioni, Santi [Italian, 1494 – 1576] |
Buon, Pietro [Italian, died 1529] |
Buonarroti, Michelangelo [Italian, 1475 – 1564] |
Buontalenti, Bernardo [Italian, c. 1531 – 1608] |
Buora, Giovanni di Antonio [Italian, c. 1450 – 1515] |
Burch, Hendrick van der [Netherlandish, c. 1627 – c. 1666] |
Burgkmair, Hans, the elder [German, 1473 – 1531] |
Büring, Johann Gottfried [German, 1723 – 1788] |
Burney, Edward Francis [English, 1760 – 1848] |
Büsinck, Ludolph [German, 1602 – 1669] |
Busti, Agostino [Italian, c. 1483 – 1548] |
Buyster, Philippe de [French, 1595 – 1688] |
Buytewech, Willem Pietersz [Dutch, 1591 – 1624] |
C | Return to top |
Cabrera, Miguel [Mexican, 1695 – 1768] |
Caccia, Ursula-Magdelena [Italian, 1596 – 1676] |
Caccini, Giovanni Battista [Italian, 1556 – 1613] |
Cadet de Beaupré, Jean Baptiste Antoine [French, 1758 – 1823] |
Cagnacci, Guido [Italian, 1601 – 1663] |
Cairo, Francesco del [Italian, 1607 – 1665] |
Cajés, Eugenio [Spanish, 1575 – 1634] |
Calcar, Jan Steven van [Netherlandish, c. 1499 – c. 1546] |
Caliari, Carlo [Italian, 1570 – 1596] |
Callot, Jacques [French, 1592 – 1635] |
Calvaert, Denys [Flemish, c. 1540 – 1619] |
Cambiaso, Luca [Italian, 1527 – 1585] |
Camilo, Francisco [Spanish, c. 1615 – 1671] |
Campagnola, Domenico [Italian, 1500 – 1564] |
Campagnola, Giulio [Italian, 1482 – 1515] |
Campen, Jacob van [Dutch, 1595 – 1657] |
Campi, Bartolomeo [Italian, before 1520 – 1573] |
Campi, Bernardino [Italian, 1522 – 1595] |
Campi, Giulio [Italian, c. 1508 – 1573] |
Campi, Vincenzo [Italian, c. 1530 – c. 1591] |
Campin, Robert (Master of Flémalle) [Flemish, c. 1375/1379 – 1444] |
Camprobin, Pedro de [Spanish, 1605 – 1674] |
Camuccini, Vincenzo [Italian, 1771 – 1844] |
Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal) [Italian, 1697 – 1768] |
Candid, Peter [Flemish, 1548 – 1628] |
Cano, Alonso [Spanish, 1601 – 1667] |
Cantarini, Simone (Simone de Pesaro) [Italian, 1612 – 1648] |
Capet, Marie Gabrielle [French, 1761 – 1818] |
Cappelle, Jan van de [Dutch, c. 1624 – 1679] |
Caradosso (Foppa, Cristoforo) [Italian, c. 1452 – 1527] |
Caraffe, Armand Charles [French, 1762 – 1822] |
Caravaggio, Cecco del [Italian, first active c. 1610] |
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da [Italian, 1571 – 1610] |
Carducho, Bartolomé [Italian, 1560 – 1608] |
Carducho, Vicente [Italian, c. 1576 – 1638] |
Cariani, Giovanni [Italian, c. 1485 – after 1547] |
Carlevariis, Luca (Carlevarijs, Luca) [Italian, 1663 – 1730] |
Carlin, Martin [French, 1739 – 1785] |
Carlini, Agostino [Italian, c. 1718 – 1790] |
Carlone, Michele [Italian, first active 1490] |
Carmontelle, Louis de [French, 1717 – 1806] |
Carnevale, Fra (Master of the Barberini Panels) [Italian, active 1445, died 1484] |
Carnicero Mancio, Antonio [Spanish, 1748 – 1814] |
Caro, Lorenzo de [Italian, first active 1719] |
Caron, Antoine [French, 1521 – 1599] |
Carona, Giovanni Battista da [Italian, first active c. 1530] |
Caroselli, Angelo [Italian, 1585 – 1652] |
Caroto, Giovanni Francesco [Italian, c. 1480 – 1555] |
Carpaccio, Vittore [Italian, 1460 – 1525] |
Carpenter, Margaret Sarah [English, 1793 – 1872] |
Carpi, Ugo da [Italian, first active 1502] |
Carracci, Agostino [Italian, 1557 – 1602] |
Carracci, Annibale [Italian, 1560 – 1609] |
Carracci, Lodovico [Italian, 1555 – 1619] |
Carrari, Baldassare di Matteo [Italian, c. 1460 – c. 1520] |
Carreño de Miranda, Juan [Spanish, 1614 – 1685] |
Carriera, Rosalba [Italian, 1675 – 1757] |
Cary, Henry [American, c. 1680 – 1749] |
Casa, Nicolò della [Italian, first active 1543] |
Casanova, Francesco Giuseppe (Casanova, François-Joseph) [Italian, 1727 – 1803] |
Casas y Nóvoa, Fernando [Spanish, 1680 – 1749] |
Casolani, Alessandro [Italian, c. 1552 – 1607] |
Castagno, Andrea del (Andrea di Bartolo di Simone) [Italian, c. 1421 – c. 1457] |
Castello, Bernardo [Italian, 1557 – 1629] |
Castello, Giovanni Battista [Italian, c. 1509 – 1569] |
Castello, Valerio [Italian, 1624 – 1659] |
Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto [Italian, 1609 – 1664] |
Castillo y Saavedra, Antonio del [Spanish, 1616 – 1668] |
Catena, Vincenzo di Biagio [Italian, c. 1470 – 1531] |
Cats, Jacob [Dutch, 1741 – 1799] |
Cavalcanti, Andrea di Lazzaro [Italian, 1412 – 1462] |
Cavalier, Jean [French, died 1699] |
Cavallino, Bernardo [Italian, 1616 or 1622 – 1654 or 1656] |
Cavalori, Mirabello [Italian, 1535 – 1572] |
Cecil, Thomas [English, first active c. 1625] |
Cecil, William (Baron Burghley) [English, 1520 – 1598] |
Cellini, Benvenuto [Italian, 1500 – 1571] |
Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni [Italian, first active 1369] |
Cerano [Italian, c. 1575 – 1632] |
Cerezo, Mateo, the younger [Spanish, 1637 – 1666] |
Cesare da Sesto [Italian, 1477 – 1523] |
Cesari, Giuseppe (Arpino, Cavaliere d') [Italian, 1568 – 1640] |
Cesi, Bartolomeo [Italian, 1556 – 1629] |
Céspedes, Pablo de [Spanish, before 1548 – 1608] |
Chalette, Jean [French, 1581 – 1644] |
Challe, Charles Michel-Ange [French, 1718 – 1778] |
Chambers, William [English, 1723 – 1796] |
Chardin, Jean-Siméon (Chardin, Jean-Baptiste) [French, 1699 – 1779] |
Charlestown Stone Cutter [American, active 17th century] |
Chaudet, Antoine-Denis [French, 1763 – 1810] |
Chéron, Louis [French, 1660 – 1725] |
Chiari, Giuseppe Bartolomeo [Italian, 1654 – 1727] |
Chippendale, Thomas [English, 1717 – 1779] |
Chokosai Eishō [Japanese, first active 1790] |
Choquet, Pierre Adrien [French, 1743 – 1813] |
Christian, Joseph (Christian, Johann Joseph) [German, 1706 – 1777] |
Christus, Petrus [Flemish, 1410 – 1475] |
Ciampanti, Michele (Master of Stratonice) [Italian, active 1463, died 1521] |
Cignani, Carlo [Italian, 1628 – 1719] |
Cigoli (Cardi, Lodovico) [Italian, 1559 – 1613] |
Cima da Conegliano, Giovanni Battista [Italian, c. 1459 – c. 1517] |
Claesz., Aert (Leyden, Aertgen van) [Dutch, 1498 – 1564] |
Claesz., Jan [Dutch, active 1615, died 1636] |
Claesz., Pieter [Dutch, c. 1598 – 1660] |
Claudet, Antoine [French, 1797 – 1867] |
Claus de Werve (Claux de Werve) [Netherlandish, c. 1360 – 1439] |
Clerck, Hendrik de [Flemish, c. 1570 – 1630] |
Cleve, Hendrick van, III [Netherlandish, c. 1525 – 1589] |
Cleve, Joos van [Netherlandish, c. 1485 – c. 1541] |
Cleve, Marten Van [Netherlandish, c. 1521 – c. 1581] |
Cleyn, Francis [German, 1582 – 1658] |
Clodion (Clodion, Claude Michel) [French, 1738 – 1814] |
Closterman, John [German, 1660 – 1711] |
Clouet, François [French, c. 1516 – 1572] |
Clouet, Jean [Netherlandish, 1485 – 1540] |
Clovio, Giulio [Italian, 1498 – 1578] |
Coccapani, Sigismondo [Italian, 1583 – 1642] |
Cochin, Charles-Nicholas, II [French, 1715 – 1790] |
Cochin, Charles-Nicolas, the younger [French, 1715 – 1790] |
Cock, Hieronymus [Netherlandish, c. 1510 – c. 1570] |
Cock, Jan de [Netherlandish, active c. 1506, died before 1527] |
Cock, Maerten de [Dutch, first active 1630] |
Codde, Pieter Jacob [Dutch, 1599 – 1678] |
Codussi, Mauro [Italian, c. 1440 – c. 1504] |
Coecke van Aelst, Pieter, the elder [Flemish, 1502 – 1550] |
Coecke, Paul [Dutch, active 17th century] |
Coello, Claudio [Spanish, 1642 – 1693] |
Coëtivy Master [French, first active c. 1450] |
Coffermans, Marcellus [Netherlandish, active 1549, died 1575] |
Colantonio, Niccolò Antonio [Italian, c. 1420 – after 1460] |
Coleman, Ruth Culver [American, died 1801] |
Colenbergh, Christiaen van [Dutch, first active 1666] |
Collaert, Adriaen [Flemish, c. 1560 – 1618] |
Colle, Raffaello dal [Italian, c. 1490 – 1566] |
Collet, John [English, c. 1725 – 1780] |
Collier, John [English, 1850 – 1934] |
Collin de Vermont, Hyacinthe [French, 1693 – 1761] |
Collins, Richard [English, died 1732] |
Collyer, Edward [Dutch, c. 1640 – c. 1710] |
Colonna, Angelo Michele [Italian, 1600/1604 – 1687] |
Colonna, Fra Francesco [Italian, died 1527] |
Coltellini, Michele di Luca dei [Italian, c. 1480 – after 1543] |
Conca, Sebastiano [Italian, 1680 – 1764] |
Concanen, Alfred [English, 1835 – 1886] |
Coninxloo, Gillis van, III [Netherlandish, 1544 – 1607] |
Conrad von Soest [German, c. 1360 – c. 1422] |
Considerant, Prosper-Victor [French, 1808 – 1893] |
Conti, Bernardino de' [Italian, c. 1470 – 1523] |
Contino, Antonio [Italian, 1566 – 1600] |
Cooghen, Leendert van der [Dutch, c. 1610 – c. 1681] |
Cooper, Samuel [English, 1609 – 1672] |
Coornhert, Dirck Volckertsz. [Netherlandish, 1522 – 1590] |
Coorte, Adriaen [Dutch, first active 1683] |
Copley, John Singleton [American, 1738 – 1815] |
Coques, Gonzales [Flemish, c. 1614 – 1684] |
Coram, Thomas [American, 1757 – 1811] |
Corneille de Lyon [French, c. 1500-1510 – 1575] |
Corneille, Michel, the younger [French, 1642 – 1708] |
Cornelisz. van Haarlem, Cornelis [Dutch, 1562 – 1638] |
Cornelisz. van Oostsanen, Jacob [Netherlandish, c. 1472 – 1533] |
Corradini, Antonio [Italian, 1668 – 1752] |
Correa, Juan [Mexican, c. 1646 – 1716] |
Correa, Nicolás [Mexican, c. 1660 – c. 1720] |
Correggio (Allegri, Antonio) [Italian, c. 1489 – c. 1534] |
Cort, Cornelis [Netherlandish, 1533 – c. 1578] |
Cortese, Cristoforo [Italian, c. 1399 – before 1445] |
Cortona, Pietro da [Italian, 1596 – 1669] |
Corvi, Domenico [Italian, 1721 – 1803] |
Cossa, Francesco del [Italian, c. 1435 – c. 1477] |
Cossiers, Jan [Flemish, 1600 – 1671] |
Costa, Lorenzo [Italian, c. 1537 – 1583] |
Costa, Lorenzo di Ottavio [Italian, c. 1460 – 1535] |
Costantini, Ermenegildo [Italian, 1731 – 1791] |
Cosway, Maria Louisa Catherine Cecilia [English, 1759 – 1838] |
Cosway, Richard [English, 1742 – 1821] |
Coter, Colijn de [Netherlandish, 1480 – 1525] |
Cotte, Robert de [French, 1656 – 1735] |
Court, Jean de [French, first active 1541] |
Cousin, Jean, the elder [French, c. 1500 – c. 1560] |
Cousin, Jean, the younger [French, c. 1522 – c. 1594] |
Coustou, Nicolas [French, 1658 – 1733] |
Coypel, Antoine [French, c. 1661 – 1722] |
Coypel, Charles-Antoine [French, 1694 – 1752] |
Coypel, Noël [French, 1628 – 1707] |
Coypel, Noël Nicola [French, 1690 – 1734] |
Coysevox, Antoine [French, 1640 – 1720] |
Cozens, Alexander [English, 1717 – 1786] |
Cozens, John Robert [English, 1752 – 1797] |
Cozette, Pierre François [French, 1714 – 1801] |
Cozzi, Geminiano [Italian, 1728 – 1797] |
Cranach, Hans [German, c. 1513 – 1537] |
Cranach, Lucas, the elder [German, 1472 – 1553] |
Cranach, Lucas, the younger [German, 1515 – 1586] |
Crayer, Gaspar de [Flemish, 1584 – 1669] |
Crespi, Giuseppe Maria [Italian, 1665 – 1747] |
Crespin, Paul [English, 1694 – 1770] |
Cressent, Charles [French, 1685 – 1768] |
Cresti, Domenico (Passignano, Domenico Cresti) [Italian, 1559 – 1638] |
Creti, Donato [Italian, 1671 – 1749] |
Cristall, Joshua [English, c. 1768 – 1847] |
Cristoforo di Geremia [Italian, first active 1456] |
Critz, John de, the elder [English, c. 1552 – 1642] |
Crivelli, Carlo [Italian, c. 1430 – c. 1495] |
Crivelli, Vittore [Italian, c. 1444 – c. 1501] |
Croix, Jean de la [French, active 1662, died 1712] |
Croix, Jean de la [French, 1662 – 1712] |
Cronaca (Simone Del Pollaiuolo) [Italian, 1457 – 1508] |
Crosato, Giovanni Battista [Italian, c. 1697 – 1758] |
Cruyl, Lieven [Flemish, c. 1640 – c. 1720] |
Cruz, Diego de la [Spanish, first active 1475] |
Cucci, Domenico [French, 1635 – 1704-1705] |
Cuyp, Aelbert [Dutch, 1620 – 1691] |
Cuyp, Jacob Gerritsz. [Dutch, 1594 – c. 1651] |
D | Return to top |
da Crema, Giovanni Fonduli [Italian, first active c. 1480] |
da Giona, Andrea [Italian, first active 1434] |
Dahl, Michael [Swedish, 1659 – 1743] |
Daliwes, Jacques [Flemish, first active c. 1380] |
Damer, Anne Seymour [English, 1748 – 1828] |
Damiano Zambelli, Fra [Italian, c. 1490 – c. 1549] |
Dance, George, the younger [English, 1741 – 1825] |
Dance-Holland, Nathaniel [English, 1735 – 1811] |
Danckerts, Hendrick [Dutch, 1625 – 1680] |
Dandré-Bardon, Michel-François [French, 1700 – 1783] |
Daniele da Volterra [Italian, c. 1509 – 1566] |
Danloux, Henri-Pierre [French, 1753 – 1809] |
Daret, Jacques [Flemish, 1400-1405 – c. 1468] |
Dario di Giovanni [Italian, c. 1420 – c. 1498] |
Daucher, Hans [German, 1486 – 1538] |
Davent, Léon [French, first active 1540] |
David, Gerard [Flemish, 1460 – 1523] |
Davison, Jeremiah [English, 1695 – after 1750] |
Dawe, Philip [English, c. 1750 – c. 1790] |
Dayes, Edward [English, 1763 – 1804] |
De Lorme, Anthonie [Dutch, c. 1610 – 1673] |
De Sanctis, Francesco [Italian, 1693 – 1740] |
Debucourt, Philibert Louis [French, 1755 – 1832] |
Debucourt, Philibert Louis [French, 1755 – 1832] |
Decker, Coenraet [Dutch, 1651 – 1685] |
Degener, Hinrich [German, active 17th century] |
Delagrive, Jean [French, 1689 – 1757] |
Delaram, Francis [English, c. 1590 – 1627] |
Delaune, Etienne [French, c. 1519 – 1583] |
Delemer, Jean [Netherlandish, first active c. 1428] |
Delff, Jacob Willemsz., the younger [Netherlandish, 1619 – 1661] |
Della Bella, Stefano [Italian, 1610 – 1644] |
Dennis, Thomas [English, first active 17th] |
Dering, William [American, first active 1735] |
Deruet, Claude [French, 1588 – 1660] |
Deseine, Claude André [French, 1740 – 1823] |
Deshays, Jean Baptiste Henri [French, 1729 – 1765] |
Desiderio da Settignano [Italian, c. 1429-1432 – 1464] |
Desjardins, Martin [Dutch, 1637 – 1694] |
Desportes, Alexandre-François [French, 1661 – 1743] |
Desprez, Louis Jean [French, 1743 – 1804] |
Desrais, Claude Louis [French, 1746 – 1816] |
Deutsch, Niklaus Manuel (Manuel, Niklaus) [Swiss, 1484 – 1530] |
Devis, Arthur [English, 1712 – 1787] |
Dewing, Francis [American, active 18th century] |
Diepenbeeck, Abraham Jansz. van [Flemish, 1596 – 1675] |
Diest, Willem van [Dutch, 1610 – 1673] |
Dighton, Robert, the elder [English, c. 1752 – 1814] |
Dijk, Philip van [Dutch, 1680 – 1753] |
Dillis, Georg von [German, 1759 – 1841] |
Diziani, Gaspare [Italian, 1689 – 1767] |
Dodin, Charles Nicolas [French, 1734 – 1803] |
Doetechum, Lucas van [Dutch, died c. 1584] |
Doirat, Étienne [French, c. 1670 – 1732] |
Dolci, Carlo [Italian, 1616 – 1687] |
Dolendo, Bartolomeus Willemsz. [Dutch, c. 1571 – 1629] |
Domenichino (Zampieri, Domenico) [Italian, 1581 – 1641] |
Domenico del Barbiere [Italian, 1506 – 1565] |
Domenico di Bartolo [Italian, c. 1400 – c. 1447] |
Domenico Veneziano [Italian, c. 1400 – 1461] |
Donatello [Italian, c. 1386 – 1466] |
Donner, Georg Raphael [Austrian, 1693 – 1741] |
Doolittle, Amos [American, 1754 – 1832] |
Doomer, Lambert [Dutch, c. 1624 – 1700] |
D'Orbay, François, II [French, 1634 – 1697] |
Dorigny, Louis [French, 1654 – 1742] |
Dorigny, Michel [French, 1616 – 1665] |
Dorisy, Peter [German, first active 1566] |
Dosio, Giovanni Antonio [Italian, 1533 – after 1609] |
Dossi, Battista [Italian, c. 1490 – 1548] |
Dossi, Dosso [Italian, c. 1486 – 1542] |
Dou, Gerrit (Dou, Gerard) [Dutch, 1613 – 1675] |
Dowdney, Burrows [American, first active 1768] |
Downman, John [English, 1750 – 1824] |
Doyen, Gabriel François [French, 1726 – 1806] |
Draper, Herbert James [English, 1864 – 1920] |
Dregt, Johannes van [Dutch, c. 1737 – c. 1807] |
Drölling, Martin [French, 1752 – 1817] |
Drost, Willem [Dutch, c. 1630 – after 1680] |
Drouais, François Hubert [French, 1727 – 1775] |
Drouais, Jean-Germain [French, 1763 – 1788] |
Drouilly, Jean [French, 1644 – 1698] |
Drowne, Shem [American, 1683 – 1774] |
Du Cerceau, Jacques Androuet, the elder [French, c. 1515 – after 1584] |
Du Quesnoy, François [Flemish, c. 1594 – 1643] |
Dubbels, Hendrik Jacobsz. [Dutch, c. 1620 – 1676] |
Dubreuil, Toussaint [French, 1561 – 1602] |
Duck, Jacob [Dutch, c. 1600 – 1667] |
Ducreux, Rose Adélaïde [French, 1761 – 1802] |
Ducrollay, Jean Charles [French, c. 1708 – after 1776] |
Dughet, Gaspard [French, 1615 – 1675] |
Dujardin, Karel [Dutch, 1626 – 1678] |
Dumonstier, Daniel [French, 1574 – 1645] |
Dumonstier, Geoffroy (Dumoûtier, Geoffroy) [French, c. 1510 – 1573] |
Dumonstier, Pierre, II [French, c. 1585 – 1656] |
Dumont, François [French, 1687 or 1688 – 1726] |
Dumont, Jacques [French, 1701 – 1781] |
Dumont, Pierre-Martin [French, 1720 – 1791] |
Duparc, Françoise [French, 1705 – 1778] |
Dupérac, Etienne (Du Pérac, Stefano) [French, c. 1525 – 1604] |
Duplessis, Jean-Claude, le père [French, 1695 – 1774] |
Duplessis, Joseph Siffred [French, 1725 – 1802] |
Duplessis-Bertaux, Jean [French, 1750 – 1818] |
Dupré, Giovanni [Italian, 1817 – 1882] |
Durameau, Louis-Jacques [French, 1733 – 1796] |
Durand, Jean Nicolas Louis [French, 1760 – 1834] |
Durand, John [American, first active 1766] |
Durantino, Guido [Italian, first active 1520] |
Dürer, Albrecht [German, 1471 – 1528] |
Duret, François-Joseph [French, 1729/1732 – 1816] |
Dusart, Cornelis [Dutch, 1660 – 1704] |
Duval, Pierre [French, c. 1755 – after 1789] |
Duvet, Jean [French, 1485 – c. 1570] |
Duyckinck, Gerrit [American, 1660 – c. 1713] |
Duyster, Willem Cornelisz. [Dutch, c. 1598 – 1635] |
Dwight, John [English, c. 1635 – 1703] |
Dyck, Anthony van [Flemish, 1599 – 1641] |
E | Return to top |
Earl, John [American, 1761 – 1796] |
Eastlake, Charles [English, 1793 – 1865] |
Echave Ibía, Baltasar de [Mexican, 1585 – 1650] |
Echave Rioja, Baltasar de [Mexican, 1632 – 1682] |
Eckhout, Albert [Dutch, c. 1610 – 1666] |
Edelinck, Gérard [Flemish, 1640 – 1707] |
Eeckhout, Gerbrand van den [Dutch, 1621 – 1674] |
Egen, Geert van [Netherlandish, first active 1591] |
Egermann, Friedrich [German, 1777 – 1864] |
Egerton Master [French, first active c. 1405] |
Ehrenstrahl, David Klöcker [German, 1628 – 1698] |
Eisen, Charles [French, 1720 – 1778] |
Eishōsai Chōki [Japanese, first active c. 1780] |
Eispinger, Wolf [German, active 16th-17th century] |
Elhafen, Ignaz [Austrian, 1658 – 1725] |
Elliott, John [American, 1713 – 1781] |
Elsheimer, Adam [German, 1578 – 1610] |
Emes, Rebecca [English, died 1828] |
Enderle, Johann Baptist [German, 1725 – 1798] |
Engebrechtsz., Cornelius [Netherlandish, c. 1465 – c. 1527] |
Erdmannsdorff, Friedrich Wilhelm [German, 1736 – 1800] |
Erhart, Gregor [German, c. 1465 – 1540] |
Erhart, Michel [German, c. 1440 – after 1522] |
Erri, Agnolo degli [Italian, first active 1448] |
Escobar, Alonso de [Spanish, first active 1602] |
Esperlan, Thierry [Netherlandish, first active c. 1429] |
Espinosa, Jerónimo Jacinto [Spanish, 1600 – 1667] |
Espinosa, Juan Bautista [Spanish, born c. 1625] |
Esselens, Jacob [Dutch, 1626 – 1687] |
Etzlaub, Erhard [German, c. 1460 – 1532] |
Eusebio da San Giorgio [Italian, c. 1465 – after 1540] |
Everdingen, Allart van [Dutch, 1621 – 1675] |
Everdingen, Cesar van [Dutch, 1617 – 1678] |
Ewouts, Hans (Eworth, Hans) [Netherlandish, c. 1525 – after 1578] |
Eyck, Barthélemy d' (Master of the Aix Annunciation) [Netherlandish, active 1444, died 1479] |
Eyck, Hubert van [Flemish, c. 1366 – 1426] |
Eyck, Jan van [Flemish, 1390 – 1441] |
Eynde, Catharina van den [Flemish, active c. 1605, died after 1620] |
F | Return to top |
Faber von Creuznach, Conrad [German, c. 1500 – c. 1553] |
Faber, Jakob [Swiss, first active 1516] |
Fabre, Francois-Xavier [French, 1766 – 1837] |
Fabritius, Barent [Dutch, 1624 – 1673] |
Fabritius, Carel [Dutch, 1622 – 1654] |
Faccini, Pietro [Italian, c. 1562 – 1602] |
Falconet, Etienne-Maurice [French, 1716 – 1791] |
Falconet, Marie Anne (Collot, Marie Anne) [French, 1748 – 1821] |
Falconet, Pierre Etienne [French, 1741 – 1791] |
Falconetto, Giovanni Maria [Italian, 1468 – 1535] |
Fantuzzi, Antonio [Italian, first active 1537] |
Fargue, Paulus Constantijn la [Dutch, c. 1732 – 1782] |
Farinati, Paolo [Italian, 1524 – 1606] |
Fasolo, Giovanni Antonio [Italian, 1530 – 1572] |
Favray, Antoine de [French, 1706 – c. 1791] |
Fei, Alessandro [Italian, c. 1540 – 1592] |
Feke, Robert [American, c. 1707 – c. 1752] |
Fenton, Roger [English, 1819 – 1869] |
Fern�ndez de Córdoba, Pedro [Spanish, first active 1496] |
Fernández de Navarrete, Juan (El Mudo) [Spanish, c. 1526 – 1579] |
Fernández, Alejo [Spanish, c. 1470 – 1543] |
Fernández, Gregorio [Spanish, c. 1576 – 1636] |
Fernández, Juan [Spanish, died c. 1657] |
Ferri, Ciro [Italian, 1634 – 1689] |
Ferrucci, Andrea di Piero [Italian, 1465 – c. 1526] |
Ferrucci, Francesco di Simone [Italian, 1437 – 1493] |
Fetti, Domenico [Italian, c. 1589 – 1624] |
Févère, Pietro (Lefebvre, Pierre) [Flemish, c. 1592 – 1669] |
Fiamengo, Iacobus [Italian, first active 1594] |
Figino, Ambrogio Giovanni [Italian, 1548 – 1608] |
Filarete (Averlino, Antonio) [Italian, c. 1400 – c. 1469] |
Finelli, Giuliano [Italian, 1601 – 1653] |
Finiguerra, Maso (Finiguerra, Tommasso D'Antonio) [Italian, 1426 – 1464] |
Fiorentino, Nicolao [Italian, c. 1404 – 1471] |
Fiorentino, Rosso (Rosso, Giovanni Battista di Jacopo) [Italian, 1494 – 1540] |
Fiorenzo di Lorenzo [Italian, c. 1445 – c. 1525] |
Fischer von Erlach, Johann Bernhard [German, 1656 – 1723] |
Fisscher, Hieronymus [German, first active c. 1616] |
Flamen, Anselme, the elder [French, 1647 – 1717] |
Flaxman, John [English, 1755 – 1826] |
Flegel, Georg [Czech, 1566 – 1638] |
Flicke, Gerlach [German, died 1558] |
Flinck, Govaert (Flinck, Govert) [Dutch, 1615 – 1660] |
Flitcroft, Henry [English, 1697 – 1769] |
Floris, Cornelis, II [Flemish, c. 1513 – 1575] |
Floris, Frans, the elder (Floris de Vriendt, Frans) [Flemish, c. 1519 – 1570] |
Flötner, Peter [German, 1485 – 1546] |
Foggini, Giovanni Battista [Italian, 1652 – 1725] |
Foliot, Toussaint [French, 1715 – 1798] |
Fontana, Carlo [Italian, 1634 – 1714] |
Fontana, Domenico [Italian, 1543 – 1607] |
Fontana, Lavinia [Italian, 1552 – 1614] |
Fontana, Prospero [Italian, 1512 – 1597] |
Fontebasso, Francesco [Italian, 1707 – 1769] |
Fontebuoni, Anastasio [Italian, c. 1580 – 1626] |
Foppa, Vincenzo [Italian, c. 1427 – c. 1515] |
Fornenburgh, Jan Baptist van [Dutch, first active 1608] |
Fortuna, Giovanni [Italian, 1534 – c. 1611] |
Fosse, Charles de la [French, 1636 – 1716] |
Fothergill, John [English, c. 1700 – 1782] |
Fouquet, Jean [French, c. 1415-1420 – c. 1481] |
Fouquières, Jacques [Flemish, c. 1580 – 1659] |
Fragonard, Jean-Honoré [French, 1732 – 1806] |
Francavilla, Pietro [Flemish, 1548 – 1615] |
Franceschini, Marc Antonio [Italian, 1648 – 1729] |
Francesco da Faenza [Italian, first active c. 1442] |
Francesco de Merate [Italian, first active 1480] |
Francesco di Gentile da Fabriano [Italian, first active c. 1450] |
Francesco di Giorgio Martini [Italian, 1439 – 1501] |
Francesco di Marco Marmitta de Parma [Italian, 1457 – 1505] |
Francesco di Piero [Italian, first active c. 1540] |
Francesco Napoletano [Italian, died 1501] |
Francia, Francesco [Italian, c. 1450 – 1517] |
Franciabigio (Francesco di Cristofano) [Italian, 1484 – 1525] |
Francke, Master [German, first active c. 1424] |
Francken, Frans, II [Flemish, 1581 – 1642] |
Francken, Hieronymus, II [Flemish, 1578 – 1623] |
Franco dei Russi [Italian, first active c. 1453] |
Franco, Battista [Italian, c. 1510 – 1561] |
François, Claude (Frere Luc) [French, 1614 – 1685] |
Fratellini, Giovanna [Italian, 1666 – 1731] |
Frauenpreiss, Matthäus, the elder [German, c. 1505 – 1549] |
Freake-Gibbs Painter (Freake:Gibbs:Mason Limner) [American, first active c. 1760] |
Freudenberger, Sigmund [Swiss, 1745 – 1801] |
Friess, Joachim [German, c. 1579 – 1620] |
Froment, Nicolas [French, active c. 1460, died c. 1484] |
Fuller, Isaac [English, c. 1606 – 1672] |
Fungai, Bernardino [Italian, 1460 – 1516] |
Furini, Francesco [Italian, 1603 – 1646] |
Furnerius, Abraham [Dutch, 1628 – 1654] |
Furtmeyr, Berthold [German, active c. 1460, died after 1501] |
Furuyama Moromasa [Japanese, 1712 – 1772] |
Fuseli, Henry [Swiss, 1741 – 1825] |
Fyt, Jan [Flemish, 1611 – 1661] |
G | Return to top |
Gabriel, Ange-Jacques [French, 1698 – 1782] |
Gaetano, Alvise [Italian, died 1631] |
Gagliardi, Giuseppe [Italian, active 18th century] |
Gagliardi, Leandro [Italian, 1729 – 1798] |
Gainsborough, Thomas [English, 1727 – 1788] |
Galizia, Fede [Italian, 1578 – 1630] |
Galle, Hieronymus [Flemish, 1625 – after 1679] |
Galle, Philip [Flemish, 1537 – 1612] |
Galle, Theodor [Flemish, c. 1571 – c. 1633] |
Gallego, Fernando [Spanish, 1468 – 1507] |
Galli, Giacomo [Italian, 1585 – 1653] |
Gallois, Gabriel [French, 1714 – 1754] |
Gallucci, Nicola (Niccolo da Guardiagrele) [Italian, c. 1395 – before 1432] |
Gambara, Lattanzio [Italian, 1530 – 1574] |
Gambello, Antonio [Italian, c. 1458 – c. 1481] |
Gamelin, Jacques [French, 1738 – 1803] |
Gandini, Alessandro [Italian, first active c. 1550] |
Gandolfi, Gaetano [Italian, 1734 – 1802] |
Gandolfi, Ubaldo [Italian, 1728 – 1781] |
Gardner, Daniel [English, c. 1750 – 1805] |
Garneray, Jean-François [French, 1755 – 1837] |
Garofalo [Italian, 1481 – 1559] |
Garthwaite, Anna Maria [English, first active 1726] |
Garzoni, Giovanna [Italian, 1600 – 1670] |
Gascard, Henri [French, c. 1634 – 1701] |
Gaspari, Antonio [Italian, c. 1660 – after 1738] |
Gatteaux, Nicolas-Marie [French, 1751 – 1832] |
Gaudí, Antoni [Spanish, 1852 – 1926] |
Gaudreaus, Antoine-Robert [French, c. 1682 – 1746] |
Gauffier, Louis [French, 1761 – 1801] |
Gaulli, Giovanni Battista (Il Baciccio) [Italian, 1639 – 1709] |
Gautier-Dagoty, Jacques Fabien [French, 1721 – 1786] |
Gautier-Dagoty, Jean-Baptiste André [French, 1740 – 1786] |
Geddes, Wilhelmina Margaret [English, 1887 – 1955] |
Geel, Jacob Jacobsz. van [Dutch, c. 1585 – after 1638] |
Geertgen tot Sint Jans [Flemish, c. 1460 – c. 1490] |
Gelder, Aert de (Gelder, Arent de) [Dutch, 1645 – 1727] |
Genga, Girolamo [Italian, 1467 – 1551] |
Gentile da Fabriano [Italian, c. 1370 – 1427] |
Gentileschi, Artemisia [Italian, 1593 – 1653] |
Gentileschi, Orazio [Italian, 1563 – 1639] |
Gericke, Samuel Theodor [German, 1665 – 1729] |
Gerini, Niccolò di Pietro [Italian, first active 1368] |
Germain, François-Thomas [French, 1726 – 1791] |
Germain, Thomas [French, 1674 – 1748] |
Gertner, Peter [German, first active 1524] |
Gerung, Matthias [German, c. 1500 – c. 1568] |
Gheeraerts, Marcus, the elder [Flemish, c. 1520 – c. 1590] |
Gheeraerts, Marcus, the younger [Flemish, 1561 – 1635] |
Gherardo di Giovanni del Fora [Italian, 1445 – 1497] |
Gheyn, Jacques de, II [Dutch, 1565 – 1629] |
Ghiberti, Lorenzo [Italian, 1378 – 1455] |
Ghirlandaio, Domenico [Italian, c. 1448 – 1494] |
Ghirlandaio, Ridolfo [Italian, 1483 – 1561] |
Ghisi, Giorgio [Italian, 1520 – 1582] |
Ghisolfi, Giovanni [Italian, c. 1623 – 1683] |
Giambologna (Giovanni da Bologna) [Flemish, 1529 – 1608] |
Giambono, Michele [Italian, first active 1420] |
Giampietrino [Italian, first active c. 1520] |
Giani, Felice [Italian, 1728 – 1823] |
Giaquinto, Corrado [Italian, 1703 – 1765] |
Giardini, Giovanni [Italian, 1646 – 1722] |
Gilarte, Mateo [Spanish, c. 1623 – 1675] |
Gillot, Claude [French, 1673 – 1722] |
Gillray, James [English, 1757 – 1815] |
Gilly, Friedrich David [German, 1772 – 1800] |
Gilpin, William Sawrey [English, 1762 – 1843] |
Giltlinger, Gumpolt [Swiss, 1455 – 1522] |
Gimignani, Giacinto [Italian, 1606 – 1681] |
Giordano, Luca [Italian, 1634 – 1705] |
Giorgione (Giorgio da Castelfranco) [Italian, 1477 – 1510] |
Giovanni Antonio da Brescia [Italian, c. 1460 – c. 1520] |
Giovanni da Modena [Italian, active c. 1409, died before 1455] |
Giovanni da Udine [Italian, 1487 – 1564] |
Giovanni d'Alemagna [German, died 1450] |
Giovanni di Francesco Toscani [Italian, c. 1370-1380 – 1430] |
Giovanni di Paolo [Italian, active c. 1420, died 1482] |
Giovanni di Piamonte [Italian, first active 1456] |
Giovanni di Ser Giovanni (Lo Scheggia) [Italian, 1406 – 1486] |
Girardin, Louis-René [French, 1735 – 1808] |
Girardon, François [French, 1628 – 1715] |
Girolamo di Benvenuto [Italian, 1470 – 1524] |
Gissey, Henri [French, 1621 – 1673] |
Gitschmann von Ropstein, Hans [German, active 1510, died 1564] |
Giuliani, Francesco [Italian, active 18th century] |
Giuliano Da Maiano [Italian, 1432 – 1490] |
Gobert, Thomas [French, c. 1630 – 1703] |
Göding, Heinrich, the elder [German, 1531 – 1606] |
Goes, Hugo van der [Netherlandish, c 1440 – 1482] |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [German, 1749 – 1832] |
Gold Scrolls Group [Flemish, first active c. 1415] |
Gole, Pierre [French, c. 1620 – 1684] |
Goltzius, Hendrick [Dutch, 1558 – 1617] |
Gómez de Mora, Juan [Spanish, 1586 – 1648] |
Gonçalves, Nuno [Portuguese, first active 1450] |
Gondoin, Jacques [French, 1737 – 1818] |
Gonzaga, Pietro di Gottardo [Italian, 1751 – 1831] |
González, Bartolomé [Spanish, 1564 – 1627] |
Gorp, Henri Nicolas van [French, c. 1756 – 1819] |
Gossaert, Jan (Mabuse) [Flemish, c. 1478 – 1532] |
Goudt, Hendrik [Dutch, 1583 – 1648] |
Gower, George [English, c. 1540 – 1596] |
Goyen, Jan van [Dutch, 1596 – 1656] |
Gozzoli, Benozzo [Italian, 1421 – 1497] |
Graf, Urs, the elder [Swiss, c. 1485 – 1527] |
Graff, Anton [Swiss, 1736 – 1813] |
Granacci, Francesco [Italian, 1477 – 1543] |
Grandi, Vincenzo [Italian, first active c. 1534] |
Granier, Pierre [French, 1635 – 1715] |
Grassi, Orazio [Italian, 1583 – 1654] |
Gravelot [French, 1699 – 1773] |
Grebber, Maria [Dutch, first active 1628] |
Grebber, Nicolaes de [Dutch, 1574 – 1613] |
Grebber, Pieter de [Dutch, c. 1600 – c. 1653] |
Greco, El (Theotokopoulos, Domenikos) [Spanish, 1541 – 1614] |
Greenwood, John [American, 1727 – 1792] |
Grendey, Giles [English, 1693 – 1780] |
Gricci, Giuseppe [Italian, first active 1757] |
Griessmann, Balthasar [Austrian, c. 1620 – before 1706] |
Griffiths, Edward [English, first active 1743] |
Grigi, Giovanni Giacomo de' [Italian, active c. 1550, died 1572] |
Grigi, Guglielmo (Bergamasco, Guglielmo) [Italian, c. 1480 – c. 1550] |
Grimaldi, Giacomo [Italian, 1560 – 1623] |
Grimaldi, Giovanni Francesco (Il Bolognese) [Italian, 1606 – 1680] |
Cossiers, Jan [Flemish, c. 1570 – 1618-1619] |
Grimmer, Jacob [Netherlandish, c. 1525 – before 1590] |
Grimou, Alexis [Swiss, 1678 – 1733] |
Grooth, Georg Cristoph [German, 1716 – 1749] |
Grosschedel, Franz [German, first active 1517] |
Grosschedel, Wolfgang [German, 1517 – 1562] |
Grünewald, Matthias (Mathis Gothart Niethart) [German, c. 1470 – c. 1530] |
Grupello, Gabriel [Flemish, 1644 – 1730] |
Gualtiero Padovano [Italian, first active 1537] |
Guardi, Francesco [Italian, 1712 – 1793] |
Guarini, Guarino [Italian, 1624 – 1683] |
Guas, Juan [French, c. 1430 – 1496] |
Guercino (Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco) [Italian, 1591 – 1666] |
Guerin, Gilles [French, c. 1606 – c. 1678] |
Guerra, Giovanni [Italian, c. 1540 – 1618] |
Guidi, Domenico [Italian, 1625 – 1701] |
Guillain, Simon, I [French, 1581 – 1658] |
Gundelach, Matthäus [German, c. 1566 – 1653] |
Günther, Ignaz [German, 1725 – 1775] |
Gysbrechts, Cornelis Norbertus [Flemish, active 1659, died 1672] |
Gysbrechts, Cornelis Norbertus (Gyffoths) [Flemish, active 1659, died 1672] |
Gysbrechts, Franciscus [Dutch, first active c. 1674] |
H | Return to top |
Haan, Meyer Isaac de [Dutch, 1852 – 1895] |
Habert, Francois [French, first active c. 1645] |
Hackert, Jacob Philipp [German, 1737 – 1807] |
Hackwood, William [English, 1757 – 1836] |
Hagen, Joris van der [Dutch, c. 1615 – c. 1669] |
Hagenauer, Nikolaus [German, died before 1538] |
Hainz, Georg (Hintzsch, Georg) [German, c. 1630 – c. 1670-1700] |
Halder, Jacob [English, active c. 1558, died 1608] |
Hallé, Noël [French, 1711 – 1781] |
Hals, Dirck [Dutch, 1591 – 1656] |
Hals, Frans [Dutch, c 1581 – 1666] |
Hameel, Alart du [Netherlandish, c. 1449 – c. 1507] |
Hamen y Leon, Juan van der [Spanish, 1596 – 1631] |
Hamilton, Alexander [American, 1755 – 1804] |
Hamilton, Hugh Douglas [Irish, 1739 – 1808] |
Hamilton, William [English, 1751 – 1801] |
Hanegawa Chinchô [Japanese, 1679 – 1754] |
Hanneman, Adriaen [Dutch, c. 1601 – 1671] |
Hans von Tübingen [Austrian, first active 1433] |
Harris, Harwell Hamilton [American, 1903 – 1990] |
Harrison, Peter [American, 1716 – 1775] |
Harunobu, Suzuki [Japanese, 1725 – 1770] |
Harwood, Francis [English, first active 1748] |
Hawks, John [English, first active 1766] |
Hawksmoor, Nicholas [English, 1661 – 1736] |
Haydar Ra’is [Islamic, 1492 – 1572] |
Hayls, John [English, active 1645, died 1679] |
Hayman, Francis [English, c. 1708 – 1776] |
Hearne, Thomas [English, 1744 – 1817] |
Heda, Willem Claesz [Dutch, 1594 – 1680] |
Heem, Cornelis de [Flemish, 1631 – 1695] |
Heem, David-Cornelisz de [Dutch, c. 1663 – 1718] |
Heem, Jan Davidsz De [Dutch, 1606 – c. 1683] |
Heem, Jan Jansz. de [Flemish, 1650 – 1695] |
Heemskerck, Maerten van [Netherlandish, 1498 – 1574] |
Heemskerk, Willem Jacobsz. van [Dutch, 1613 – 1693] |
Heere, Lucas de [Netherlandish, c. 1534 – c. 1584] |
Heinisch, Joseph [Austrian, c. 1765-1770 – 1834] |
Heintz, Joseph, the elder [Swiss, 1564 – 1609] |
Helmschmid, Desiderius [German, 1513 – 1579] |
Helmschmid, Kolman [German, c. 1470 – 1532] |
Helmschmid, Lorenz [German, 1445 – 1516] |
Helst, Bartholomeus van der [Dutch, 1613 – 1670] |
Hemessen, Catharina van [Flemish, 1528 – c. 1587] |
Hemessen, Jan van [Netherlandish, c. 1500 – c. 1575] |
Hennequin, Philippe Auguste [French, 1762 – 1833] |
Henstenburgh, Herman [Dutch, 1667 – 1726] |
Hérard, Gérard-Léonard [French, c. 1630 or 1637 – 1675] |
Hering, Thomas [German, first active c. 1530] |
Herlin, Friedrich [German, c. 1435 – c. 1500] |
Herman, Hans [German, first active c. 1516] |
Herpin Master [German, first active 1480] |
Herrara, Francisco, the younger [Spanish, 1627 – 1685] |
Herrera Barnuevo, Sebastián de [Spanish, 1619 – 1671] |
Herrera, Alonso López de [Mexican, c. 1580 – 1675] |
Herrera, Juan de [Spanish, c. 1530 – 1597] |
Herter, Gustave [American, 1830 – 1898] |
Hertzberg, Constantine [American, 1833 – 1919] |
Hesselius, Gustavus [American, 1682 – 1755] |
Hesselius, John [American, 1728 – 1778] |
Hewson, John [American, 1745 – 1821] |
Hey, Jean (Master of Moulins) [Netherlandish, first active c. 1480] |
Heyden, Jan van der [Dutch, 1637 – 1712] |
Heyden, Pieter van der [Flemish, c. 1530 – after 1572] |
Hicks, Edward [American, 1780 – 1849] |
Hildebrandt, Johann Lukas von [Austrian, 1668 – 1745] |
Hill, John [American, 1770 – 1850] |
Hilliard, Nicholas [English, 1547 – 1619] |
Hirschvogel, Augustin [German, 1503 – 1553] |
Hirschvogel, Veit, the elder [German, 1461 – 1525] |
Hoare, Henry [English, 1705 – 1758] |
Hoare, William [English, c. 1707 – 1792] |
Hobbema, Meindert [Dutch, 1638 – 1709] |
Hodges, William [English, 1744 – 1797] |
Hoecke, Jan van den [Flemish, 1611 – 1651] |
Hoefnagel, Jacob [Flemish, 1575 – c. 1630] |
Hoff, Torsten [Norwegian, 1688 – 1754] |
Hoffmann, Hans [German, c. 1545-1550 – c. 1591-1592] |
Hofnagel, Joris [Flemish, 1542 – 1601] |
Hogarth, William [English, 1697 – 1764] |
Hogenberg, Franz [Netherlandish, c. 1540 – c. 1590] |
Holanda, Rodrigo Dirksen de [Flemish, before 1540 – 1600] |
Holbein, Ambrosius [German, c. 1494 – c. 1520] |
Holbein, Hans, the elder [German, c. 1465 – 1524] |
Holbein, Hans, the younger [German, 1497/1498 – 1543] |
Holden, Richard [English, first active 1658] |
Holingworth, Mary [American, active 17th century] |
Holl, Elias, I [German, 1573 – 1646] |
Hollar, Wenceslaus [Czech, 1607 – 1677] |
Holsteijn, Cornelis [Dutch, 1618 – 1658] |
Holzer, Johann Evangelist [German, 1709 – 1740] |
Hondecoeter, Gillis Claesz. d' [Dutch, c. 1575 – c. 1638] |
Hondecoeter, Melchior de [Dutch, 1636 – 1695] |
Hondius, Abraham [Dutch, c. 1625 – 1691] |
Hondius, Hendrik [Dutch, 1597 – 1651] |
Honthorst, Gerrit van [Dutch, 1590 – 1656] |
Hooch, Pieter de [Dutch, 1629 – 1684] |
Hoogstraten, Samuel van [Dutch, 1627 – 1678] |
Hope, Thomas [English, 1769 – 1831] |
Hopfer, Daniel [German, c. 1470 – c. 1536] |
Hopfer, Hieronymus [German, active c. 1520, died c. 1550] |
Hoppner, John [English, 1758 – 1810] |
Horenbout, Gerard [Netherlandish, before 1465 – c. 1541] |
Horenbout, Lucas [Netherlandish, c. 1490 – 1544] |
Hoskins, John, the elder [English, c. 1590 – 1665] |
Hosoda Eishi [Japanese, 1756 – 1829] |
Houasse, Michel-Ange [French, 1680 – 1730] |
Houckgeest, Gerard [Dutch, c. 1600 – 1661] |
Houckgeest, Joachim Ottensz. [Dutch, c. 1585 – before 1645] |
Houzeau, Jacques [French, 1624 – 1691] |
Hubener, Georg [American, first active 1785] |
Huber, Jean [Swiss, 1721 – 1786] |
Huber, Wolfgang (Huber, Wolf) [Austrian, c. 1485 – c.1553] |
Huet, Christophe [French, 1700 – 1759] |
Hüet, Jean-Baptiste, I [French, 1745 – 1811] |
Huguet, Jaime (Huguet, Jaume) [Spanish, 1412 – 1492] |
Huilliot, Pierre Nicolas [French, 1674 – 1751] |
Hulsdonck, Jacob van [Flemish, 1582 – 1647] |
Huret, Grégoire [French, 1606 – 1670] |
Hurtrelle, Simon [French, 1648 – 1724] |
Hutin, Charles-François [French, 1715 – 1776] |
Hutinot, Pierre [French, 1616 – 1679] |
Huys, Frans [Flemish, c. 1522 – before 1562] |
Huys, Pieter [Flemish, c. 1520 – 1584] |
Huysmans, Jacob [English, c. 1630 – 1696] |
Huysum, Jan van [Dutch, 1682 – 1749] |
I | Return to top |
Ingegno [Italian, first active 1484] |
Innocenzo da Imola [Italian, 1485 – 1548] |
Isaacsz., Pieter Fransz. [Dutch, 1569 – 1625] |
Isabey, Jean-Baptiste [French, 1767 – 1855] |
Ishikawa Toyonobu [Japanese, 1711 – 1785] |
Isoda Koryūsai [Japanese, first active 1765] |
Ixnard, Pierre Michel d' [French, 1723 – 1795] |
J | Return to top |
Jackson, Gilbert [English, first active 1621] |
Jacobsz., Dirck [Netherlandish, c. 1497 – 1567] |
Jacobsz., Lambert [Dutch, c. 1598 – 1636] |
Jacopo da Empoli [Italian, c. 1554 – 1640] |
Jacopo di Antonello (Jacobello di Antonello) [Italian, c. 1455 – before 1488] |
Jacquemart de Hesdin [Netherlandish, active 1384, died after 1413] |
Jacquerio, Giacomo [Italian, c. 1403 – 1453] |
Jacquet, Mathieu [French, c. 1545 – after 1611] |
Jamnitzer, Wenzel, I [German, c. 1507 – 1585] |
Janinet, Jean-François [French, 1752 – 1814] |
Janssen van Ceulen, Cornelius [English, 1593 – 1661] |
Janssens, Abraham [Flemish, 1575 – 1632] |
Janssens, Pieter [Dutch, 1623 – c. 1683] |
Jáuregui, Juan de [Spanish, 1583 – 1641] |
Jeaurat, Etienne [French, 1699 – 1789] |
Jefferys, James [English, 1751 – 1784] |
Jegher, Christoffel [Flemish, c. 1596 – c. 1652] |
Jennings, Samuel [American, first active 1789] |
Jervas, Charles [Irish, c. 1675 – 1739] |
Jode, Pieter de, I [Flemish, 1570 – 1634] |
Jode, Pieter de, II [Flemish, 1606 – c. 1674] |
Johnson, Thomas [English, 1723 – 1799] |
Johnson, Thomas [English, first active 1634] |
Johnston, Henrietta [American, born c. 1674] |
Johnston, Thomas (Johnson, Thomas) [American, 1708 – 1767] |
Johnston, William [American, 1732 – 1772] |
Jones, Inigo [English, 1573 – 1652] |
Jones, Thomas [English, 1742 – 1803] |
Jongh, Ludolf de [Dutch, 1616 – 1679] |
Jonghelinck, Jacques [Flemish, 1530 – 1606] |
Jordaens, Jacob, the elder [Flemish, 1593 – 1678] |
Jouderville, Isack [Dutch, 1612-13 – 1645] |
Jouvenet, Jean [French, 1644 – 1717] |
Jouvenet, Noel, V [French, 1644 – 1717] |
Juan de Flandes [Netherlandish, c. 1465 – c. 1519] |
Juan de la Huerta (Jean de la Huerta) [Spanish, first active 1431] |
Juárez, Luis [Mexican, c. 1585 – c. 1638] |
Julien, Pierre [French, 1731 – 1804] |
Juvarra, Filippo [Italian, 1678 – 1736] |
K | Return to top |
Kaldenbach, Martin [German, c. 1470 – 1518] |
Kalf, Willem [Dutch, 1619 – 1693] |
Karcher, Nicolas [Flemish, died 1562] |
Katsukawa Shunkō [Japanese, 1743 – 1812] |
Katsukawa Shunshō [Japanese, 1726 – 1792] |
Kauffmann, Angelica [Swiss, 1741 – 1807] |
Keene, Henry [English, 1726 – 1776] |
Kellerthaler, Johann, II [German, c. 1560 – 1611] |
Kemmelmeyer, Frederick [American, 1788 – 1816] |
Kent, William [English, c. 1685 – 1748] |
Kessel, Jan van, II [Flemish, 1626 – 1679] |
Ketel, Cornelis [Dutch, 1548 – 1616] |
Key, Adriaen Thomasz [Flemish, c. 1544 – after 1589] |
Keyser, Thomas de [Dutch, 1596 – 1667] |
Kilian, Lucas [German, 1579 – 1637] |
King, Samuel [American, 1748/1749 – 1819] |
Kintzing, Pierre [French, 1746 – 1816] |
Kirchner, Johann Gottlieb [German, 1706 – after 1737] |
Kittensteyn, Cornelis van [Dutch, c. 1598 – c. 1652] |
Klocker, Hans [Austrian, first active c. 1478] |
Kneller, Godfrey [English, 1646 – 1723] |
Knieper, Hans [Netherlandish, active 1577, died 1587] |
Knobelsdorff, Georg Wenceslaus von [German, 1699 – 1753] |
Knüpfer, Nikolaus [Dutch, 1603 – 1655] |
Kobell, Franz [German, 1749 – 1822] |
Kocks, Adriaen [Dutch, died 1701] |
Koedijck, Isaac [Dutch, c. 1617 – c. 1668] |
Koerbecke, Johann [German, c. 1420 – 1490] |
Kōkan, Shiba [Japanese, 1747 – 1818] |
Kolbe, Carl Wilhelm, the elder [German, 1759 – 1835] |
Kolderer, Jorg [German, 1497 – 1540] |
König, Johann [German, 1586 – 1642] |
Koninck, Jacob, the elder [Dutch, c. 1616 – 1708] |
Koninck, Philips de [Dutch, 1619 – 1688] |
Koninck, Salomon [Dutch, 1609 – 1656] |
Kraut, Hans [German, first active c. 1577] |
Kremer, Nicolaus [German, 1500 – 1553] |
Krug, Hans [German, died 1519] |
Kuhn, Justus Englehardt [American, active c. 1708, died 1717] |
Kulmbach, Hans von (Kulmbach, Hans Suess von) [German, c. 1485 – c. 1522] |
L | Return to top |
La Hyre, Laurent de [French, 1606 – 1656] |
La Perdrix, Michel de [French, c. 1641 – 1681] |
La Tour, Georges de [French, 1593 – 1652] |
La Tour, Maurice-Quentin de [French, 1704 – 1788] |
La Traverse, Charles François Pierre de [French, 1726 – 1780] |
Labille-Guiard, Adélaïde [French, 1749 – 1803] |
Labruzzi, Carlo [Italian, 1748 – 1817] |
Laer, Pieter van [Dutch, 1599 – c. 1642] |
Lafage, Raymond [French, 1656 – 1684] |
Lafitte, Louis [French, 1770 – 1828] |
Lagneau (Lanneau, Nicolas) [French, first active c. 1590] |
Lagrenée, Jean Jacques, II [French, 1739 – 1821] |
Lagrenée, Louis Jean François [French, 1725 – 1805] |
Laib, Conrad [German, first active c. 1440] |
Lairesse, Gerard de [Flemish, 1640 – 1711] |
Lallemand, Georges [French, c. 1570 – 1636] |
Lallemand, Jean Baptiste [French, 1716 – c. 1803] |
Lambardos, Emmanuel [Greek, first active 1593] |
Lamerie, Paul de [English, 1688 – 1751] |
Lanci, Baldassare [Italian, c. 1510 – 1571] |
Lancret, Nicolas [French, 1690 – 1743] |
Landshut, Mair [German, active c. 1485, died 1520] |
Lanfranco, Giovanni [Italian, 1582 – 1647] |
Langetti, Giovanni Battista [Italian, 1635 – 1676] |
Langhans, Carl Gotthard [German, 1732 – 1808] |
Langlois, Jacques [French, first active 1537] |
Langlois, Jérome Martin, the younger [French, 1779 – 1838] |
Lanino, Bernardino [Italian, c. 1509 – after 1581] |
Lantara, Simon Mathurin [French, 1729 – 1778] |
Larciani, Giovanni di Lorenzo [Italian, 1484 – 1527] |
Largillière, Nicolas de [French, 1656 – 1746] |
Larkin, William [English, c. 1585 – 1619] |
Larmessin, Nicolas de [French, 1640 – 1725] |
Larmessin, Nicolas de, II [French, c. 1638 – 1694] |
Lastman, Pieter [Dutch, 1583 – 1633] |
Lattanzio da Rimini [Italian, first active 1492] |
Latz, Jean-Pierre [French, c. 1691 – 1754] |
Laugier, Marc-Antoine [French, 1713 – 1769] |
Launay, Nicolas de [French, c. 1646 – 1727] |
Laurana, Francesco [Italian, c. 1420 – before 1502] |
Laurana, Luciano [Italian, c 1420 – 1479] |
Lautensack, Hanns [German, c. 1520 – c. 1564-66] |
Laviron, Pierre [French, 1605 – before 1701] |
Lavreince, Nicolas [Swedish, 1737 – 1807] |
Lazzari, Sebastiano [Italian, died c. 1770] |
Le Blond, Etienne-Claude [French, active 1700, died 1751] |
Le Brun, Charles [French, 1619 – 1690] |
Le Camus de Mézières, Nicolas [French, 1721 – 1793] |
Le Clerc, Sébastien, the elder [French, 1637 – 1714] |
Le Coeur, Louis [French, first active 1780] |
Le Guay, Pierre-André, fils aînè [French, first active 1773] |
Le Hongre, Étienne [French, 1628 – 1690] |
Le Lorrain, Louis-Joseph [French, 1715 – 1759] |
Le Lorrain, Robert [French, 1666 – 1743] |
Le Moiturier, Antoine [French, c. 1425 – c. 1497] |
Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques [French, c. 1533 – before 1588] |
Le Nain, Antoine [French, c. 1588 – 1648] |
Le Nain, Louis [French, 1593 – 1648] |
Le Nain, Mathieu [French, 1607 – 1677] |
Le Nôtre, André [French, 1613 – 1700] |
Le Pautre, Jean [French, 1618 – 1682] |
Le Prince, Jean-Baptiste [French, 1734 – 1781] |
Le Rouge, George-Louis [French, ca. 1712 – ca. 1792] |
Le Roux, Bartholomew, II [American, 1717 – 1763] |
Le Roy, David (LeRoy, Julien David) [French, 1724 – 1803] |
Le Sueur, Eustache [French, 1616 – 1655] |
Le Tavernier, Jean [Netherlandish, first active 1434] |
Le Vau, Louis [French, 1612 – 1670] |
Leclerc, Jean [French, c. 1587 – 1633] |
Lederer, Jörg [German, active 1499, died c. 1550] |
Leemans, Johannes [Dutch, 1633 – 1688] |
Lefebvre, Claude [French, 1632 – 1675] |
Legeay, Jean Laurent [French, c. 1710 – 1790] |
Legrand, Auguste-Claude-Simon [French, 1765 – c. 1815] |
Legrand, Jacques Guillaume [French, 1743 – 1808] |
Legros, Pierre, I [French, 1629 – 1714] |
Legros, Pierre, II [French, 1666 – 1719] |
Leinberger, Hans [German, first active 1511] |
Lejeune, Nicolas [French, first active c. 1765] |
Lely, Peter [Dutch, 1618 – 1680] |
Lemaire, Jean [French, c. 1597 – 1659] |
Lemoyne, François [French, 1688 – 1737] |
Lemoyne, Jean [French, 1638 – 1715] |
Lemoyne, Jean-Baptiste, the younger [French, 1704 – 1778] |
Lemoyne, Jean-Louis [French, 1665 – 1755] |
Lenckhardt, Adam [German, 1610 – 1661] |
L'Enfant, Pierre Charles [French, 1754 – 1825] |
Leonardo da Vinci [Italian, 1452 – 1519] |
Leonardo, Jusepe [Spanish, 1601 – 1653] |
Leoni, Leone [Italian, c. 1509 – 1590] |
Leoni, Ottavio Mario [Italian, 1578 – 1630] |
Leoni, Pompeo [Italian, c. 1533 – 1608] |
Lépicié, Nicolas Bernard [French, 1735 – 1784] |
Lescot, Pierre [French, 1510 – 1571] |
Lespagnandelle, Mathieu [French, 1617 – 1689] |
Lespingola, François [French, 1644 – 1705] |
Lethiere, Guillaume [French, 1760 – 1832] |
Leu, Hans, the younger [Swiss, c. 1490 – 1531] |
Leupenius, Johannes [Dutch, 1647 – 1693] |
Levni [Islamic, died 1732] |
Lewyn, Gabriel [American, first active 1768] |
Leyniers, Everaert [Flemish, 1597 – 1680] |
Leyster, Judith (Molenaer, Judith) [Dutch, 1609 – 1660] |
Leytens, Gysbrecht (Master of the Winter Landscapes) [Flemish, 1586 – 1643/56] |
Libaerts, Eliseus [Flemish, first active 1557] |
Liberale, Giorgio [Italian, 1527 – 1579] |
Liberi, Pietro [Italian, 1605 – 1687] |
Licinio, Bernardino [Italian, c. 1489 – c. 1565] |
Lieferinxe, Josse [Netherlandish, first active 1493] |
Lievensz., Jan [Dutch, 1607 – 1674] |
Ligorio, Pirro [Italian, c. 1500 – 1583] |
Ligozzi, Jacopo [Italian, 1547 – 1627] |
Lilio, Andrea [Italian, c. 1555 – after 1627] |
Limbourg Brothers [Flemish, first active 1400] |
Linard, Jacques [French, 1597 – 1645] |
Linden, Esias zur [German, active 1609, died 1632] |
Lingelbach, Johannes [German, 1622 – 1674] |
Linnell, John, the elder [English, 1792 – 1882] |
Lint, Hendrik Frans van [Flemish, 1684 – 1763] |
Liotard, Jean-Étienne [Swiss, 1702 – 1789] |
Lippi, Filippino [Italian, c. 1457 – 1504] |
Lippi, Filippo [Italian, c. 1406 – c. 1469] |
Lippi, Lorenzo [Italian, 1606 – 1665] |
Lips, Johann Heinrich [Swiss, 1758 – 1817] |
Lisiewska, Anna Dorothea (Therbusch, Anna Dorothea) [German, 1721 or 1722 – 1782] |
Liss, Johann [German, c. 1595-1600 – 1631] |
Lisse, Dirck van der [Dutch, active c. 1635, died 1669] |
Loarte, Alejandro de [Spanish, c. 1595 – 1626] |
Lochner, Kunz, the younger [German, c. 1510 – 1567] |
Lochner, Stephan [German, c. 1410 – 1451] |
Lock, Matthias [English, c. 1710 – c. 1765] |
Lodi, Giovanni Agostino da [Italian, first active c. 1467] |
Löffler, Gregor [Austrian, c. 1490 – 1565] |
Loir, Alexis, I [French, 1640 – 1713] |
Loir, Marianne [French, c. 1715 – 1769] |
Lok, Michael [English, active 16th century] |
Lombard, Lambert [Flemish, 1506 – 1566] |
Lombardo, Antonio, I [Italian, c. 1458 – c. 1516] |
Lombardo, Pietro [Italian, c. 1435 – c. 1515] |
Lombardo, Tullio [Italian, c. 1455 – 1532] |
Longhena, Baldassare [Italian, 1598 – 1682] |
Longhi, Alessandro [Italian, 1733 – 1813] |
Longhi, Barbara [Italian, c. 1562 – c. 1638] |
Longhi, Martino, the elder [Italian, c. 1534 – c. 1591] |
Loo, Amédée van [French, c. 1719 – 1795] |
Loo, Carle van [French, 1705 – 1765] |
Loo, Jacob van [Dutch, 1614 – 1670] |
Loo, Louis Michel van [French, 1707 – 1771] |
Lorck, Melchior (Lorichs, Melchior) [Danish, 1526 or 1527 – after 1588] |
Lorenzi, Battista [Italian, c. 1527 – 1594] |
Lorenzo d'Alessandro da San Severino [Italian, 1440 or 1450 – 1503] |
Lorenzo di Credi [Italian, c. 1456 – 1536] |
Lorenzo di Niccolò [Italian, first active 1392] |
Lorenzo Monaco [Italian, c. 1370 – 1425] |
Lorimier, Etienne [French, 1759 – 1813] |
Lorrain, Claude (Gellée, Claude) [French, 1604 – 1682] |
Lotter, Hieronymus, the elder [German, c. 1497 – c. 1580] |
Lotto, Lorenzo [Italian, c. 1480 – c. 1556] |
Louis, Victor [French, c. 1731 – 1800] |
Lourdet, Phillipe [French, died 1671] |
Loutherbourg, Philip James de [French, 1740 – 1812] |
Luca Penni [Italian, c.1500 – 1556] |
Lucas van Leyden [Netherlandish, c. 1494 – c. 1533] |
Luini, Aurelio [Italian, 1530 – 1593] |
Luini, Bernardino [Italian, c. 1480 – c. 1532] |
Luttichuijs, Simon [Dutch, 1610 – 1661] |
Lützelburger, Hans [German, active 1485, died before 1526] |
Luycks, Carstian [Flemish, 1623 – c. 1675] |
Luyken, Jan [Dutch, 1649 – 1712] |
M | Return to top |
Macchietti, Girolamo [Italian, 1535 – 1592] |
Machuca, Pedro [Spanish, late 15th c – 1550] |
Macip, Vicente Juan (Juan de Juanes) [Spanish, c. 1510 – c. 1579] |
Mack, Jörg [German, first active 1509] |
Macrino d'Alba [Italian, active 1495, died before 1528] |
Maderno, Carlo [Italian, 1555 – 1629] |
Maderno, Stefano [Italian, c. 1576 – 1636] |
Maeght, Hendrick de [Dutch, died 1603] |
Maella, Mariano Salvador de [Spanish, 1739 – 1819] |
Maes, Everard van der [Dutch, c. 1577 – c. 1656] |
Maes, Nicolaes [Dutch, 1634 – 1693] |
Maes, Tydeman [Flemish, first active c. 1425] |
Magnasco, Alessandro [Italian, 1667 – 1749] |
Magni, Cesare [Italian, first active 1530] |
Magnier, Philippe [French, 1648 – 1715] |
Mainardi, Bastiano [Italian, 1466 – 1513] |
Maino, Giovanni Angelo del [Italian, first active 1496] |
Maino, Juan Bautista [Spanish, 1581 – 1649] |
Majoli, Clemente (Maioli, Clemente) [Italian, c. 1625 – after 1671] |
Maler, Hans [German, c. 1480 – c. 1526/29] |
Mälesskircher, Gabriel [German, c. 1425 – 1495] |
Malkin, Samuel [English, 1668 – 1741] |
Mallet, Jean Baptiste [French, 1759 – 1835] |
Malouel, Jean [Netherlandish, c. 1365 – 1415] |
Malton, Thomas, II [English, 1748 – 1804] |
Man, Cornelis de [Dutch, 1621 – 1706] |
Manara, Baldassare [Italian, first active 1529] |
Mancini, Giacomo [Italian, first active c. 1540] |
Mander, Karel van, I [Dutch, 1548 – 1606] |
Mander, Karel van, II [Dutch, 1579 – 1623] |
Mander, Karel van, III [Dutch, 1608 – 1670] |
Mandyn, Jan [Netherlandish, c. 1500 – c. 1559] |
Manfredi, Bartolomeo [Italian, 1582 – 1622] |
Manohar [Islamic, first active c. 1580] |
Mansart, Jules Hardouin [French, 1646 – 1708] |
Mansueti, Giovanni [Italian, active 1485, died 1527] |
Mantegna, Andrea [Italian, c. 1430 – c. 1506] |
Mantuana, Diana [Italian, c. 1535 – 1587] |
Manutius, Aldus [Italian, 1449 – 1515] |
Maratti, Carlo [Italian, 1625 – 1713] |
Marchesi, Girolamo [Italian, 1471/1481 – 1540/1550] |
Marchesini, Michelangelo de' [Italian, first active c. 1580] |
Marco del Buono Giamberti [Italian, 1402 – 1489] |
Marieschi, Michele Giovanni [Italian, 1696 – 1743] |
Mariette, Pierre-Jean [French, 1694 – 1774] |
Marin, Joseph-Charles [French, 1759 – 1834] |
Mariotto di Nardo [Italian, first active 1394] |
Marliani, Lucio [Italian, 1538 – 1607] |
Marlow, William [English, 1740 – 1813] |
Marmion, Simon [French, c. 1425 – 1489] |
Maron, Anton von [Austrian, 1733 – 1808] |
Marot, Daniel, the elder [French, 1661 – 1752] |
Marot, Jean, the elder [French, 1619 – 1679] |
Marquart, Jacob [German, c. 1525 – c. 1575] |
Marrel, Jacob [German, 1614 – 1681] |
Marseus van Schrieck, Otto [Dutch, c. 1620 – 1678] |
Marsy, Balthazard [French, 1628 – 1674] |
Marsy, Gaspard [French, 1624 – 1681] |
Martellange, Etienne [French, 1569 – 1641] |
Martinelli, Niccolò [Italian, c. 1540 – c. 1610] |
Martínez Montañés, Juan [Spanish, 1568 – 1649] |
Martínez, Sebastián (Domedel, Sebastián Martínez) [Spanish, 1599 – 1667] |
Martini, Pietro Antonio [Italian, 1738 – 1797] |
Martino di Bartolomeo [Italian, active 1376, died 1434 or 35] |
Martorell, Bernat (Martorell, Bernardo) [Spanish, c. 1400 – 1452] |
Marvuglia, Giuseppe Venanzio [Italian, 1729 – 1814] |
Marziale, Marco [Italian, first active 1492] |
Masaccio [Italian, 1401 – 1428] |
Masegne, Jacobello dalle [Italian, active 1383, died after 1409] |
Masegne, Pier Paolo dalle [Italian, active 1383, died c. 1403] |
Masolino da Panicale [Italian, 1383 – c. 1447] |
Massari, Giorgio [Italian, c. 1686 – c. 1766] |
Massou, Benoit [French, 1627 – 1684] |
Massys, Jan [Netherlandish, c. 1509 – 1575] |
Master A. G. [German, first active c. 1475] |
Master B. M. [German, first active c. 1480] |
Master E. S. [German, first active c. 1450] |
Master F. V. B. [Netherlandish, first active 1480] |
Master H. L. [German, first active 1511] |
Master I. A. M. of Zwolle [Netherlandish, first active 1470] |
Master John [English, first active c. 1544] |
Master Lcz [German, first active c. 1480] |
Master M. Z. [German, first active c. 1500] |
Master of 1477 [German, first active 1470] |
Master of 1499 [Netherlandish, first active c. 1499] |
Master of 1518 (Antwerp Master) [Netherlandish, first active 1518] |
Master of Alkmaar [Netherlandish, first active c. 1490] |
Master of Anthony of Burgundy [Flemish, first active 1460] |
Master of Antiphonary Q in San Giorgio Maggiore [Italian, first active c. 1450] |
Master of Astorga [Spanish, first active c. 1500] |
Master of Avila [Spanish, first active c. 1465] |
Master of Bonastre [Spanish, first active 1445] |
Master of Catherine of Cleves [Netherlandish, first active c. 1435] |
Master of Elsloo [Netherlandish, active 16th century] |
Master of Frankfurt [Netherlandish, 1460 – c. 1533] |
Master of Georg Muehlich's Meisterlin Chronicle [German, first active 1465] |
Master of Girart de Roussillon [Netherlandish, first active c. 1450] |
Master of Grossgmain [German, first active 1480] |
Master of Guillebert de Mets [Flemish, first active 1415] |
Master of Hakendover [Flemish, first active 1400] |
Master of Heiligenblut [German, active 16th century] |
Master of Heiligenkreuz [Austrian, first active c. 1395] |
Master of Hoogstraeten [Flemish, first active 1500] |
Master of Marradi [Italian, first active 1475] |
Master of Mary of Burgundy [Flemish, first active 1469] |
Master of Mary of Guelders [Netherlandish, first active c. 1415] |
Master of Mauer [Austrian, first active 1509] |
Master of Osma [Spanish, first active c. 1500] |
Master of Palanquinos [Spanish, first active c. 1490] |
Master of Petrarch [German, first active c. 1515] |
Master of Portraits of Princes [Netherlandish, first active c. 1470] |
Master of Rabenden [German, first active 1510] |
Master of Rimini [Flemish, first active c. 1450] |
Master of Rubielos de Mora [Spanish, first active c. 1400] |
Master of Saint Augustine [Netherlandish, first active c. 1490] |
Master of Saint Gilles [French, first active c. 1500] |
Master of Saint Veronica [German, first active c. 1395] |
Master of Santo Spirito [Italian, first active 1480] |
Master of the Aachen Altar [German, first active 1480] |
Master of the André Madonna [Flemish, first active c. 1500] |
Master of the Antiphonal Q of San Giorgio Maggiore [Italian, first active 1440] |
Master of the Bamberg Altar [German, first active c. 1420] |
Master of the Beaufort Saints [Netherlandish, first active 1410] |
Master of the Berthold Missal [German, first active c. 1200] |
Master of the Bielefeld Altar [German, first active c. 1431] |
Master of the Brandon Portrait [Netherlandish, first active c. 1510] |
Master of the Bruges Passion Scenes [Netherlandish, first active c. 1500] |
Master of the Brussels Initials [Italian, first active 1390] |
Master of the Castello [Italian, first active 1590] |
Master of the Castello Nativity [Italian, first active c. 1445] |
Master of the Catholic Kings (Master of the Retable of the Reyes Católicos) [Spanish, c. 1485 – c. 1500] |
Master of the Coburg Roundels [German, first active c. 1470] |
Master of the Countess of Warwick [English, 1567 – 1569] |
Master of the Darmstadt Passion [German, first active c. 1450] |
Master of the Egmont Albums [Netherlandish, first active c. 1575] |
Master of the Farm Landscapes [Flemish, first active 1606] |
Master of the Furies [German, first active c. 1640] |
Master of the Gardens of Love [German, first active c. 1440] |
Master of the Ghislieri Apse [Italian, active 16th century] |
Master of the Griselda Legend [Italian, first active c. 1490] |
Master of the Harvard Hannibal [French, first active c. 1410] |
Master of the Historia Friderici et Maximiliani (Master of Pulkau) [German, first active 1505] |
Master of the Holy Kinship the elder [German, first active c. 1450] |
Master of the Housebook (Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet) [German, first active c. 1470] |
Master of the Imhoff Altar [German, first active c. 1410] |
Master of the Joseph Sequence [Netherlandish, first active 1495] |
Master of the Kefermarkt Altar [Austrian, first active c. 1470] |
Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine [Netherlandish, first active 1470] |
Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy [Flemish, first active c. 1475] |
Master of the Legend of the Magdalen [Netherlandish, first active c. 1483] |
Master of the Liechtenstein Adoration [Netherlandish, first active c. 1549] |
Master of the Life of Mary [German, first active c. 1463] |
Master of the Life of the Virgin [German, first active c. 1463] |
Master of the Lille Sermon (Master of the Lille Adoration) [Netherlandish, active 16th century] |
Master of the Mansi Magdalen [Netherlandish, first active 1510] |
Master of the Mascoli Altar [Italian, first active c. 1422] |
Master of the Morgan Infancy Cycle [Netherlandish, first active c. 1415] |
Master of the Munich Golden Legend [French, first active c. 1425] |
Master of the Osservanza Triptych [Italian, first active c. 1430] |
Master of the Pala Sforzesca [Italian, first active c. 1490] |
Master of the Paradise Garden [German, first active c. 1410] |
Master of the Pfullendorf Altar [German, first active 1490] |
Master of the Polling Panels [German, first active c. 1439] |
Master Of The Privileges Of Ghent and Flanders [Netherlandish, first active c. 1440] |
Master of the Prodigal Son [Flemish, first active 1530] |
Master of the Rohan Hours [French, first active c. 1420] |
Master of the Saint Bartholomew Altarpiece [German, first active 1480] |
Master of the Saint Ursula Legend [German, first active c. 1485] |
Master of the Schlägl Altarpiece (Master of the Schlägler Passion) [German, first active c. 1440] |
Master of the Siege of Taranto [Italian, first active 1400] |
Master of the Stalburg Portraits [German, first active c. 1504] |
Master of the Strasbourg Chronicle [German, first active c. 1480] |
Master of the Straus Madonna [Italian, first active 1375] |
Master of the Tucher Altar (Master of the Haller Altar) [German, first active c. 1440] |
Master of the Ulm High Altar [German, first active c. 1400] |
Master of the Ulrich Legend [German, first active c. 1450] |
Master of the Vienna Passion [Italian, first active c. 1460] |
Master of the View of Ste Gudule [Netherlandish, first active 1470] |
Master of the Virgo inter Virgines [Netherlandish, first active 1483] |
Master of the Vision of Saint John [German, first active c. 1450] |
Master of the Wendelin Altar [German, first active c. 1500] |
Master of the Worcester Panel [German, first active c. 1420] |
Master of the Zwickau High Altar [German, first active 1479] |
Master of Walters 281 [French, first active c. 1430] |
Master P. W. of Cologne [German, first active c. 1490] |
Master W. with the Key [Netherlandish, first active 1465] |
Matham, Jacob [Dutch, 1571 – 1631] |
Matham, Theodor [Dutch, 1605/1606 – 1676] |
Matteo di Giovanni (Matteo di Giovanni di Bartolo) [Italian, c. 1430 – c. 1495] |
Mauch, Daniel [German, 1477 – 1540] |
Mayall, John Jabez Edwin [English, 1813 – 1901] |
Mayer, Johann Daniel [German, first active c. 1660] |
Maystetter, Hans [Austrian, first active 1508] |
Mazza, Giuseppe [Italian, 1653 – 1741] |
Mazzolino, Lodovico [Italian, c. 1480 – c. 1530] |
Mazzoni, Guido [Italian, c. 1450 – c. 1518] |
Mazzoni, Sebastiano [Italian, c. 1611 – c. 1678] |
Mazzuoli, Bartolommeo [Italian, 1674 – 1748] |
McIntire, Samuel [American, 1757 – 1811] |
Mechini, Gherardo [Italian, c. 1580 – c. 1620] |
Meckenem, Israhel van, the younger [German, c. 1440 – 1503] |
Meissonnier, Juste Aurèle [French, 1695 – 1750] |
Meit, Conrat [German, c. 1480 – c. 1550] |
Meléndez, Luis [Spanish, 1716 – 1780] |
Mellin, Charles [French, c. 1600 – 1649] |
Melozzo da Forlì [Italian, 1438 – 1494] |
Melzi, Francesco [Italian, c. 1491 – c. 1570] |
Memling, Hans [Flemish, c. 1435 – 1494] |
Mena, Pedro de [Spanish, 1628 – 1688] |
Mengs, Anton Raphael [German, 1728 – 1779] |
Mercier, Philippe [French, 1689 – 1760] |
Merck, Johann Christof [German, first active c. 1695] |
Merian, Maria Sibylla [German, 1647 – 1717] |
Merian, Matthäus, the elder [Swiss, 1593 – 1650] |
Mesa, Juan de [Spanish, 1583 – 1627] |
Messerschmidt, Franz Xaver [German, 1736 – 1783] |
Metsu, Gabriel [Dutch, 1629 – 1667] |
Metsys, Quinten (Massys, Quentin) [Flemish, 1466 – 1530] |
Metsys, Quinten, II [Netherlandish, c. 1543 – 1589] |
Meucci, Vincenzo [Italian, 1694 – 1766] |
Meulen, Adam Frans van der [Flemish, 1631 or 1632 – 1690] |
Meulen, Steven van der [Netherlandish, first active 1543] |
Meyer, Conrad [Swiss, 1618 – 1689] |
Meynier, Charles [French, 1768 – 1832] |
Michele di Matteo da Bologna [Italian, first active 1410] |
Micheli, Parrasio [Italian, before 1516 – 1578] |
Michelin, Jean [French, first active 1629] |
Michelino de' Molinari da Besozzo [Italian, born 1368] |
Michelozzo di Bartolomeo [Italian, 1396 – 1472] |
Michieli, Andrea [Italian, c. 1542 – c. 1617] |
Miel, Jan (Bieco) [Flemish, 1599 – 1664] |
Miereveld, Michiel Jansz. van [Dutch, 1567 – 1641] |
Mieris, Frans van, I [Dutch, 1635 – 1681] |
Mieris, Jan van [Dutch, 1660 – 1690] |
Mieris, Willem van [Dutch, 1662 – 1747] |
Mignard, Pierre, I [French, 1612 – 1695] |
Mignon, Abraham [German, 1640 – c. 1679] |
Millán, Pedro [Spanish, active 1487, died before 1526] |
Miller, T. [English, first active c. 1725] |
Minello, Antonio [Italian, c. 1465 – c. 1529] |
Mingozzi, Girolamo (Mengozzi Colonna, Girolamo) [Italian, c. 1688 – c. 1766] |
Mino da Fiesole (Mino di Giovanni) [Italian, c. 1430 – 1484] |
Mique, Richard [French, 1728 – 1794] |
Mir 'Imad [Islamic, c. 1554 – 1615] |
Mir Sayyid 'Ali [Islamic, born c. 1550] |
Missaglia, Antonio [Italian, c. 1416 – c. 1495] |
Moderno (Mondella, Galeazzo) [Italian, 1467 – 1528] |
Modrone, Caremolo [Italian, 1498 – 1543] |
Moelen, Goswin van der [Netherlandish, first active c. 1410] |
Moillon, Louise [French, c. 1610 – c. 1696] |
Mola, Gasparo [Italian, c. 1580 – 1640] |
Mola, Pier Francesco [Italian, 1612 – 1666] |
Molenaer, Jan Miense [Dutch, c. 1610 – 1668] |
Molinos (Molinos, Jacques ) [French, 1743 – 1831] |
Mollart, Michel [French, 1641 – 1713] |
Müller, Anton, the elder [German, c. 1563 – 1611] |
Mollijns, Jan, I [Netherlandish, first active 1532] |
Molyn, Pieter [Dutch, 1595 – 1661] |
Momper, Joos de, the younger [Flemish, 1564 – 1635] |
Monari, Cristoforo [Italian, 1667 – 1720] |
Monier, Pierre [French, 1641 – 1703] |
Monnoyer, Jean-Baptiste [French, 1636 – 1699] |
Monogrammist A. W. [German, active 16th century] |
Monogrammist b. g. (Master bxg) [German, first active 1470] |
Monogrammist G. Z. [German, first active 1516] |
Monogrammist H.B. [German, first active 1522] |
Monogrammist M. Z. [German, first active 1500] |
Monogrammist PG [German, first active c. 1525] |
Monsiaux, Nicolas André [French, c. 1754 – 1837] |
Montagna, Bartolomeo [Italian, c. 1450 – c. 1523] |
Monte di Giovanni del Fora [Italian, 1488 – c. 1532-33] |
Montúfar, Antonio [Spanish, first active 1614] |
Moor, Carel de [Dutch, 1655 – 1738] |
Moore, Andrew [English, 1640 – 1706] |
Moorhead, Scipio [American, first active c. 1770] |
Mor, Antonis (Moro, Antonio) [Netherlandish, c. 1512-1516 – c. 1576] |
Mora, Francisco de [Spanish, 1546 – 1610] |
Mora, José de [Spanish, 1642 – 1724] |
Morales, Luis de (El Divino) [Spanish, c. 1509 – c. 1586] |
Morandini, Francesco [Italian, 1544 – 1597] |
Morazzone (Mazzucchelli, Pier Francesco) [Italian, 1573 – c. 1626] |
Moreau, Jean-Michel, le jeune [French, 1741 – 1814] |
Moreau, Louis Gabriel, the elder [French, c. 1740 – c. 1806] |
Moreelse, Paulus [Dutch, 1571 – 1638] |
Moret, Alart du [Flemish, first active 1420] |
Moretto da Brescia [Italian, 1498 – 1554] |
Morin, Jean [French, c. 1590 – 1650] |
Moro, Battista dell'Angelo del (Moro, Battista del) [Italian, c. 1515 – 1573] |
Moro, Giulio dell'Angolo del [Italian, 1555 – 1616] |
Morone, Domenico [Italian, c. 1442 – after 1517] |
Morone, Francesco [Italian, c. 1471 – 1529] |
Moroni, Giovanni Battista [Italian, c. 1525 – c. 1578] |
Mortimer, John Hamilton [English, 1740 – 1779] |
Mosca, Giovanni Maria (Padovano, Jan Maria) [Italian, 1493 – c. 1573] |
Moser, George Michael [English, 1706 – 1783] |
Moser, Lucas [German, first active c. 1400] |
Mostaert, Jan [Netherlandish, c. 1475 – 1555 or 1556] |
Motte, Jean-Francois de le [French, first active 1653] |
Moulthrop, Reuben [American, 1763 – 1814] |
Müelich, Hans (Mielich, Hans) [German, 1516 – 1573] |
Muet, Lesage [French, active 18th century] |
Muhammad Baqir [Islamic, first active c. 1750] |
Muhammad Qasim Tabrizi [Islamic, active c. 1600, died 1659] |
Muhammad Yusuf [Islamic, c. 1636 – c. 1666] |
Mu'in [Islamic, first active c. 1635] |
Müller, Christian [German, first active 1619] |
Muller, Jan Harmensz [Dutch, 1571 – 1628] |
Mulready, William [Irish, 1786 – 1868] |
Multscher, Hans [German, c. 1400 – 1467] |
Munday, Richard [American, c. 1685 – 1739] |
Münster, Sebastian M. [German, 1489 – 1552] |
Murillo, Bartolomé Estebán [Spanish, 1618 – 1682] |
Murray, Thomas [Scottish, 1663 – 1735] |
Muscat, Jörg [German, c. 1450 – c. 1527] |
Musi, Agostino [Italian, c. 1490 – c. 1536] |
Musscher, Michiel van [Dutch, 1645 – 1705] |
Muziano, Girolamo [Italian, c. 1528-1532 – 1592] |
Myers, Myer [American, 1723 – 1795] |
Mytens, Daniel, I [Dutch, c. 1590 – before 1648] |
Mytens, Jan [Dutch, c.1614 – c.1670] |
Mytens, Martin, I [Dutch, 1648 – 1736] |
N | Return to top |
Naiveu, Matthys [Dutch, 1647 – 1726] |
Naldini, Giovanni Battista [Italian, c. 1537 – c. 1591] |
Nanni di Banco [Italian, c. 1380-1385 – 1421] |
Nanni di Bartolo [Italian, first active 1419] |
Nason, Pieter [Dutch, c. 1612 – 1688/1690] |
Natoire, Charles-Joseph [French, 1700 – 1777] |
Nattier, Jean-Marc [French, 1685 – 1766] |
Neeffs, Peeter, the elder [Flemish, c. 1578 – 1656/1661] |
Neer, Aert van der [Dutch, 1603 – 1677] |
Neer, Eglon Hendrik van der [Dutch, 1634 – 1703] |
Negroli, Filippo [Italian, first active 1532] |
Negroli, Giovan Paolo [Italian, c. 1513 – c. 1569] |
Neilson, Jacques [French, 1714 – 1788] |
Nelli, Ottaviano [Italian, c. 1370 – c. 1444] |
Nelli, Pulisena (Nelli, Plautilla) [Italian, 1523 – 1588] |
Neri di Bicci [Italian, 1418 – 1492] |
Neroccio di Bartolommeo de' Landi [Italian, 1447 – 1500] |
Neroni, Bartolommeo (Il Riccio) [Italian, c. 1505-1515 – before 1571] |
Netscher, Caspar [Dutch, 1639 – 1684] |
Neumann, Johann Balthasar [German, 1687 – 1753] |
Newdigate, Roger [English, 1719 – 1806] |
Neyts, Gillis [Flemish, 1623 – 1687] |
Niccolò da Foligno (L'Alunno) [Italian, c. 1420 – 1502] |
Niccolò dell'Arca [Italian, died 1494] |
Nickelen, Isaak [Dutch, active 1660, died 1703] |
Nicola da Urbino [Italian, c. 1480 – c. 1537] |
Nicola di Maestro Antonio d'Ancona [Italian, first active c. 1470] |
Nicolas d'Ypres, the elder (Colin d'Amiens) [French, active c. 1464, died before 1508] |
Nicoletto da Modena [Italian, first active c. 1500] |
Nicolò di Pietro Paolo [Italian, first active 1394] |
Nieuhof, Johan [Dutch, 1618 – 1672] |
Nieulandt, Adriaen van, the younger [Dutch, 1587 – 1658] |
Nieuwal, Jan Rutgers [Dutch, first active 1620] |
Nikolaus Gerhaert von Leyden [German, c. 1433 – c. 1473] |
Nogari, Giuseppe [Italian, 1699 – 1763] |
Nomé, François de [French, c. 1593 – after 1644] |
Nooms, Reinier (Zeeman, Reinier) [Dutch, c. 1623 – 1664] |
Nordqvist, Per [Swedish, 1770 – 1805] |
Novelli, Pietro (Il Monrealese) [Italian, 1603 – 1647] |
Núñez del Valle, Pedro [Spanish, 1590-1594 – 1649] |
O | Return to top |
Ochtervelt, Jacob [Dutch, 1634 – 1682] |
Oggiono, Marco d' [Italian, c. 1467 – 1524] |
Okumura Masanobu [Japanese, 1686 – 1764] |
Okumura Toshinobu [Japanese, first active c. 1720] |
Oliver, Isaac [French, c. 1565 – 1617] |
Ollivier, Michel Barthélemy [French, 1712 – 1784] |
Onofri, Vincenzo [Italian, 1493 – 1524] |
Oost, Jacob van, the elder [Flemish, c. 1601 – c. 1671] |
Oppenord, Gilles-Marie [French, 1672 – 1742] |
Oppenordt, Alexandre-Jean [French, c. 1639 – c. 1715] |
Orioli, Pietro di Francesco degli [Italian, 1458 – 1496] |
Orley, Bernaert van [Flemish, c. 1492 – c. 1541] |
Orozco, Marcos [Spanish, first active 1653] |
Orrente, Pedro [Spanish, c. 1580 – 1645] |
Orsi, Lelio [Italian, c. 1508 – 1587] |
Orsoni, Filippo [Italian, first active c. 1540] |
Ortolano [Italian, first active c. 1500] |
Ostade, Adriaen van [Dutch, 1610 – 1685] |
Ostade, Isack van [Dutch, 1621 – 1649] |
Ostendorfer, Michael [German, c. 1490 – 1559] |
Otis, Hannah [American, active 18th century] |
Oudry, Jean-Baptiste [French, 1686 – 1755] |
Ouwater, Albert van [Netherlandish, first active c. 1440] |
Ovens, Jürgen [German, 1623 – 1678] |
Overbeck, Johann Friedrich [German, 1789 – 1869] |
P | Return to top |
Pacheco, Francisco [Spanish, 1564 – c. 1644] |
Pacher, Michael [Austrian, c. 1435 – 1498] |
Pagan, Mattia [Italian, first active 1543] |
Pagani, Gregorio [Italian, 1558 – 1605] |
Pajou, Augustin [French, 1730 – 1809] |
Palamedesz., Anthonie [Dutch, 1601 – 1673] |
Palissy, Bernard [French, 1509 – 1590] |
Palko, Franz Xavier Karl [Czech, 1724 – 1767] |
Palladio, Andrea [Italian, 1508 – 1580] |
Palloy, Pierre François [French, 1755 – 1835] |
Palma, Jacopo, il giovane (Palma Giovane) [Italian, c. 1548 – 1628] |
Palma, Jacopo, il vecchio [Italian, c. 1479 – 1528] |
Palmezzano, Marco [Italian, c. 1460 – c. 1539] |
Palumba, Giovanni Battista [Italian, first active 1500] |
Panini, Giovanni Paolo [Italian, c. 1692 – c. 1765] |
Pannemaker, Wilhelm de [Netherlandish, first active 1535] |
Pantoja de la Cruz, Juan [Spanish, 1554 – 1608] |
Paolini, Pietro [Italian, 1603 – 1681] |
Paolo Schiavo (Paulo di Stefano Badaloni) [Italian, 1397 – 1478] |
Papini, Guasparri [Italian, c. 1540 – 1621] |
Parigi, Giulio [Italian, 1571 – 1635] |
Pâris, Pierre-Adrien [French, 1745 – 1819] |
Parizeau, Philippe-Louis [French, 1740 – 1801] |
Parker, James [English, 1750 – 1805] |
Parmigianino (Mazzola, Francesco) [Italian, 1503 – 1540] |
Parrocel, Joseph [French, 1646 – 1704] |
Pars, William [English, 1742 – 1782] |
Pascall, James [English, active 18th century] |
Pasch, Ulrika Fredrika [Swedish, 1735 – 1796] |
Passarotti, Bartolomeo [Italian, 1529 – 1592] |
Passe, Crispijn de, the elder [Dutch, c. 1565 – 1637] |
Passeri, Bernardino [Italian, c. 1540 – 1596] |
Passerotti, Bartolomeo [Italian, 1529 – 1592] |
Passion Master of Mary of Guelders [Netherlandish, first active c. 1415] |
Pasti, Matteo de' [Italian, c. 1420 – after 1467] |
Patel, Pierre Antoine [French, 1648 – 1707] |
Patel, Pierre, I [French, c. 1605 – 1676] |
Pater, Jean-Baptiste [French, 1695 – 1736] |
Patinir, Joachim (Patenier, Joachim) [Flemish, c. 1480 – before 1524] |
Patte, Pierre [French, 1723 – 1814] |
Paudiss, Christoph [German, c. 1625 – 1666] |
Peake, Robert [English, c. 1551 – 1619] |
Peeters, Bonaventura, I [Flemish, 1614 – 1652] |
Peeters, Clara [Flemish, c. 1594 – before 1657] |
Peffenhauser, Anton [German, c. 1525 – 1603] |
Pelham, Peter [American, c. 1697 – 1751] |
Pelle, Honoré [French, first active c. 1684] |
Pellegrini, Giovanni Antonio [Italian, 1675 – 1741] |
Pellegrino di Giovanni di Antonio [Italian, died 1437] |
Pencz, Georg [German, c. 1500 – c. 1550] |
Pensionante del Saraceni [Italian, first active c. 1610] |
Pereda y Salgado, Antonio [Spanish, 1611 – 1678] |
Pérez de Alesio, Mateo [Italian, c. 1545 – c. 1616] |
Perino del Vaga (Buonaccorsi, Pietro) [Italian, 1501 – 1547] |
Perlan, Henri [French, 1597 – 1656] |
Permoser, Balthasar [German, 1651 – 1732] |
Perréal, Jean [French, c. 1455 – c. 1530] |
Perret, Pedro (Perret, Pieter) [Flemish, 1555 – c. 1625] |
Perrier, François [French, 1594 – 1649] |
Perronneau, Jean-Baptiste [French, c. 1715 – 1783] |
Perrot, Bernard [French, 1619 – 1709] |
Perrot, Pierre-Josse [French, first active 1724] |
Perugino (Vannucci, Pietro di Cristoforo) [Italian, c. 1450 – 1524] |
Peruzzi, Baldassare [Italian, 1481 – 1536] |
Pesellino, Francesco [Italian, c. 1422 – 1457] |
Pesne, Antoine [French, 1683 – 1757] |
Petitot, Jean [Swiss, 1607 – 1691] |
Peyre, Marie-Joseph [French, 1730 – 1788] |
Peyron, Jean François Pierre [French, 1744 – 1814] |
Pfeiffer, François-Antoine [French, first active 1771] |
Philippe de Champaigne [French, 1602 – 1674] |
Phillips, Charles [English, 1708 – 1748] |
Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista [Italian, 1682 – 1754] |
Picart, Bernard [French, 1673 – 1733] |
Piccinelli, Andrea (Brescianino, Andrea del) [Italian, first active c. 1507] |
Piccolpasso, Cipriano [Italian, 1524 – 1579] |
Pichore, Jean [French, first active c. 1501] |
Pickenoy, Nicolaes Eliasz. [Dutch, c. 1588 – 1650/1656] |
Pier Francesco Fiorentino [Italian, c. 1444 – after 1497] |
Pieratti, Domenico [Italian, 1600 – 1656] |
Pierino da Vinci [Italian, c. 1529 – 1553] |
Piermatteo d'Amelia [Italian, c. 1450 – 1508] |
Piero della Francesca [Italian, c. 1415 – c. 1492] |
Piero di Cosimo [Italian, 1462 – 1521] |
Pierre, Jean Baptiste Marie [French, 1713 – 1789] |
Pietersz., Gerrit [Dutch, 1566 – before 1612] |
Pietro di Domenico da Montepulciano [Italian, first active 1418] |
Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio [Italian, c. 1410 – 1449] |
Piffetti, Pietro [Italian, 1700 – 1770] |
Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste [French, 1714 – 1785] |
Pigouchet, Philippe [French, first active 1488] |
Pilgram, Anton [Bohemian, c. 1450 – 1515] |
Pilon, Germain [French, 1535 – 1590] |
Pimm, John [American, active c. 1735, died 1773] |
Pino, Marco [Italian, c. 1525 – c. 1587] |
Pinturicchio, Bernardino (Pintoricchio, Bernardino) [Italian, c. 1452 – 1513] |
Piola, Domenico, I [Italian, 1627 – 1703] |
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista [Italian, 1720 – 1778] |
Piroli, Tommaso [Italian, 1752 – 1824] |
Piron, Aimé [French, active 17th century] |
Pisanello (Pisanello, Antonio) [Italian, c. 1395 – c. 1455] |
Pittoni, Giovanni Battista, the younger [Italian, 1687 – 1767] |
Place, Francis [English, 1647 – 1728] |
Pleydenwurff, Hans [German, c. 1425 – c. 1472] |
Poccetti, Bernardino [Italian, 1548 – 1612] |
Poel, Egbert van der [Dutch, 1621 – 1664] |
Poelenburgh, Cornelis van (Poelenburch, Cornelis van) [Dutch, c. 1595 – 1667] |
Poërson, Charles [French, 1609 – 1667] |
Polack, Jan [German, active 1479, died 1519] |
Polidoro da Caravaggio (Polidoro da Caldara) [Italian, c. 1497 – c. 1543] |
Polidoro di Bartolomeo da Foligno [Italian, active c. 1457, died c. 1483] |
Polk, Charles Peale [American, 1767 – 1822] |
Pollack, Leopold [Austrian, 1751 – 1806] |
Pollaiuolo, Antonio del (Pollaiolo, Antonio del) [Italian, 1431 or 1432 – 1498] |
Pollaiuolo, Piero del (Pollaiolo, Piero del) [Italian, 1443 – 1496] |
Ponce, Jacquio [French, 1527 – 1566] |
Ponte, Antonio da [Italian, c. 1512 – 1597] |
Pontelli, Baccio [Italian, c. 1450 – after 1492] |
Pontius, Paulus [Flemish, 1603 – 1658] |
Pontormo (Carucci, Jacopo) [Italian, 1494 – 1557] |
Popma, Alardo de [Flemish, c. 1617 – 1641] |
Pöppelmann, Matthäus Daniel [German, 1662 – 1736] |
Porcellis, Jan [Dutch, c. 1584 – 1632] |
Pordenone [Italian, 1483 – 1539] |
Porta, Giacomo della [Italian, 1532 or 1533 – 1602 or 1604] |
Porta, Guglielmo della [Italian, active 1537, died 1577] |
Portail, Jacques André [French, 1695 – 1759] |
Portelli, Carlo [Italian, c. 1510 – 1574] |
Post, Pieter Jansz. [Dutch, 1608 – 1669] |
Potter, Paulus [Dutch, 1625 – 1654] |
Pourbus, Frans, the elder [Flemish, 1545 – 1581] |
Pourbus, Frans, the younger [Flemish, 1569 – 1622] |
Poussin, Nicolas [French, 1594 – 1665] |
Poyet, Bernard [French, 1742 – 1824] |
Poyet, Jean [French, first active c. 1483] |
Pozzo, Andrea [Italian, 1642 – 1709] |
Prandtauer, Jakob [Austrian, 1660 – 1726] |
Predis, Giovanni Ambrogio de [Italian, c. 1455 – after 1508] |
Preti, Mattia (Il Cavaliere Calabrese) [Italian, 1613 – 1699] |
Preuning, Paul [German, first active c. 1545] |
Prevedari, Bernardo [Italian, first active 1469] |
Previtali, Andrea [Italian, c. 1470 – 1528] |
Prévost, Nicolas [French, 1604 – 1670] |
Price, William [American, 1684 – 1771] |
Prieur, Barthélemy [French, 1536 – 1611] |
Primaticcio, Francesco [Italian, 1504 – 1570] |
Primo, Luigi [Flemish, c. 1606 – c. 1667] |
Procaccini, Camillo [Italian, c. 1555 – 1629] |
Provoost, Jan (Provost, Jan) [Netherlandish, c. 1465 – c. 1529] |
Prud'hon, Pierre-Paul [French, 1758 – 1823] |
Pseudo Pier Francesco Fiorentino [Italian, first active c. 1450] |
Pseudo-Jacquemart [French, first active c. 1380] |
Pucci, Ambrogio [Italian, active 1511, died 1529] |
Pucci, Nicolao di Biagio [Italian, active 1529, died after 1532] |
Puget, Pierre [French, 1620 – 1694] |
Puligo, Domenico [Italian, 1492 – 1527] |
Pulzone, Scipione [Italian, 1544 – 1598] |
Punderson, Prudence [American, 1658 – 1784] |
Pupini, Biagio (Biagio delle Lame) [Italian, first active 1511] |
Pynacker, Adam [Dutch, c. 1620 – 1673] |
Pynas, Jan Symonsz. [Dutch, c. 1583 – 1631] |
Q | Return to top |
Quaglio, Domenico, II [Italian, 1787 – 1837] |
Quarton, Enguerrand (Charonton, Enguerrand) [French, c. 1410 – c. 1466] |
Quast, Pieter Jansz. [Dutch, c. 1605 – 1647] |
Quellinus, Artus, I [Flemish, 1609 – 1668] |
Quellinus, Erasmus, II [Flemish, 1607 – 1678] |
Quesnel, François [French, 1543 – 1619] |
R | Return to top |
Rabeiler, Hans [Austrian, active 1501, died 1519] |
Rabel, Daniel [French, 1578 – 1637] |
Raeburn, Henry [Scottish, 1756 – 1823] |
Raes, Jan, II [Flemish, first active 1620] |
Raffaellino del Garbo [Italian, c. 1466 – 1524] |
Ragot, François [French, 1638 – 1670] |
Raimondi, Marcantonio [Italian, c. 1470 - 1482 – c. 1527 - 1534] |
Rainaldi, Carlo [Italian, 1611 – 1691] |
Ram, Johannes de [Dutch, 1647/1648 – after 1696] |
Ramenghi, Bartolomeo [Italian, 1484 – 1542] |
Ramsay, Allan [Scottish, 1713 – 1784] |
Ranc, Jean [French, 1674 – 1735] |
Raon, Jean [French, 1630 – 1707] |
Raoux, Jean [French, 1677 – 1734] |
Raphael (Sanzio, Raphael) [Italian, 1483 – 1520] |
Raspal, Antoine [French, 1738 – 1811] |
Rastrelli, Bartolomeo Francesco [Italian, 1700 – 1771] |
Rauchmiller, Matthias [German, 1645 – 1686] |
Raverti, Matteo [Italian, first active 1398] |
Ravesteyn, Dirk de Quade van [Dutch, first active c. 1576] |
Ravesteyn, Jan Anthonisz. van [Dutch, c. 1570 – 1657] |
Reggio, Raffaellino da [Italian, 1550 – 1578] |
Regnaudin, Thomas [French, 1622 – 1706] |
Regnault, Henri [French, 1843 – 1871] |
Regnault, Henri-Victor [French, 1810 – 1878] |
Regnault, Jean-Baptiste [French, 1754 – 1829] |
Régnier, Nicolas [Flemish, c. 1590 – 1667] |
Reinagle, Ramsay Richard [English, 1775 – 1862] |
Reinoso, André [Portuguese, first active 1610] |
Rembrandt van Rijn [Dutch, 1606 – 1669] |
Rémond, François [French, c. 1747 – 1812] |
Remps, Andrea Dominico [Flemish, c. 1620 – 1699] |
Renesse, Constantijn van [Dutch, 1626 – 1680] |
Reni, Guido [Italian, 1575 – 1642] |
Restout, Jean Bernard [French, 1732 – 1797] |
Restout, Jean, II [French, 1692 – 1768] |
Reutern, Gerhard Wilhelm von [German, 1794 – 1865] |
Reverdy, Georges [French, first active c. 1529] |
Revere, Paul [American, 1735 – 1818] |
Revett, Nicholas [English, 1720 – 1804] |
Reymerswaele, Marinus van [Netherlandish, c. 1490 – c. 1567] |
Reynolds, James [American, 1736 – 1794] |
Reynolds, Joshua [English, 1723 – 1792] |
Ribalta, Francisco [Spanish, 1565 – 1628] |
Ribalta, Juan [Spanish, 1597 – 1628] |
Ribera, Jusepe de (Ribera, José de) [Spanish, c. 1591 – 1652] |
Ricci, Giovanni Battista [Italian, 1537 – 1627] |
Ricci, Marco [Italian, 1676 – 1730] |
Ricci, Sebastiano [Italian, 1659 – 1734] |
Riccio, Andrea [Italian, 1470 – 1532] |
Richardson, Joseph [American, 1711 – 1784] |
Riche, Adèle [French, 1791 – 1878] |
Richter, Conrad [German, 1520 – 1570] |
Ridolfi, Bartolomeo [Italian, died before 1572] |
Riemenschneider, Tilman [German, c. 1460 – 1531] |
Riemer, Peter de [American, 1738 – 1814] |
Riesener, Jean-Henri [German, 1734 – 1806] |
Rigaud, Hyacinthe [French, 1659 – 1743] |
Ring, Ludger tom, the younger [German, 1522 – 1584] |
Ring, Pieter de [Dutch, c. 1615 – 1660] |
Ringler, Hans [German, first active c.1532] |
Rivalz, Antoine [French, 1667 – 1735] |
Riza (Riza-yi 'Abbasi) [Islamic, c. 1565 – 1635] |
Rizi, Francisco [Spanish, 1614 – 1685] |
Rizzo, Antonio [Italian, c. 1440 – c. 1499] |
Robbia, Andrea della [Italian, 1435 – 1525] |
Robbia, Giovanni della [Italian, 1469 – c. 1529-1530] |
Robbia, Luca della [Italian, c. 1399 – 1482] |
Robert, Hubert [French, 1733 – 1808] |
Roberti, Ercole de' [Italian, c. 1455 – 1496] |
Roberts, Thomas [English, first active 1686] |
Robetta, Cristofano [Italian, c. 1462 – c. 1535] |
Robusti, Marietta [Italian, c. 1560 – 1590] |
Roeder, Emy [German, 1890 – 1971] |
Roelas, Juan de [Spanish, c. 1560 – 1624] |
Roentgen, David [German, 1743 – 1807] |
Roger, Léonard [French, 1644 – after 1694] |
Rogers, William [English, first active 1584] |
Roghman, Geertruydt [Dutch, c. 1625 – before 1657] |
Roghman, Roelant [Dutch, c. 1627 – 1692] |
Roland de la Porte, Henri Horace [French, c. 1724 – 1793] |
Roldán, Luisa [Spanish, 1650 – 1704] |
Roldán, Pedro, the elder [Spanish, 1624 – 1699] |
Rolli, Antonio [Italian, 1643 – 1696] |
Rolli, Giuseppe Maria [Italian, 1645 – 1727] |
Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco [Italian, 1610 – 1662] |
Romanino [Italian, c. 1484 – after 1562] |
Romano, Antoniazzo (Antonio Aquili) [Italian, active after 1461, died 1508 or 1509] |
Romano, Giovanni Cristoforo [Italian, c. 1470 – 1512] |
Romano, Giulio (Pippi, Giulio) [Italian, c. 1499 – c. 1546] |
Romany, Adèle [French, 1769 – 1846] |
Rombouts, Nicolas [Netherlandish, c. 1450 – 1531] |
Rombouts, Theodoor [Flemish, 1597 – 1637] |
Romney, George [English, 1734 – 1802] |
Roncalli, Cristoforo [Italian, c. 1553 – 1626] |
Rooker, Edward [English, c. 1712 – 1774] |
Rooker, Michael [English, 1743 – 1801] |
Roome, Jan van [Netherlandish, first active 1498] |
Roquillet-Desnoyers, Jean-Charles [French, active before 1722, died c. 1780] |
Rosa, Salvator [Italian, 1615 – 1673] |
Rose, John [American, c. 1752 – 1820] |
Roslin, Alexander [Swedish, 1718 – 1793] |
Rosselli, Cosimo [Italian, 1439 – 1507] |
Rosselli, Francesco di Lorenzo [Italian, 1445 – before 1513] |
Rossellino, Antonio [Italian, 1427-8 – 1479] |
Rossellino, Bernardo [Italian, c. 1407-1410 – 1464] |
Rossi, Domenico [Italian, 1657 – 1737] |
Rossi, Properzia de' [Italian, c. 1490 – 1530] |
Rossigliani, Giuseppe Nicola [Italian, first active Early 16th] |
Rost, Jan [Flemish, died 1564] |
Rottenhammer, Hans [German, 1564 – 1625] |
Rottmayr, Johann Michael [Austrian, 1654 – 1730] |
Roubiliac, Louis François [English, 1695 – 1762] |
Rovere, Giovanni Mauro della [Italian, c. 1575 – c. 1640] |
Rowlandson, Thomas [English, 1756 or 1757 – 1827] |
Royen, Wilhelm Frederik van [Dutch, 1645 – 1723] |
Rubens, Peter Paul [Flemish, 1577 – 1640] |
Rublyov, Andrey [Russian, c. 1360 – 1430] |
Ruckers, Jan [Flemish, first active 1581] |
Rudolph, Christian Friedrich [German, 1672 – 1754] |
Rueda, Esteban de [Spanish, 1585 – 1626] |
Ruisdael, Jacob van [Dutch, 1628 – 1682] |
Ruiz Gijón, Francisco [Spanish, 1653 – 1720] |
Rusconi, Camillo [Italian, 1658 – 1728] |
Russ, Jacob [German, c. 1455 – c. 1525] |
Rustici, Giovanni Francesco [Italian, 1474 – 1554] |
Rutgers, Abraham [Dutch, first active c. 1660] |
Ruysch, Rachel Pool [Dutch, 1664 – 1750] |
Ruysdael, Salomon van [Dutch, c. 1602 – 1670] |
Ryckaert, David, III [Flemish, 1612 – 1661] |
Ryckaert, Marten [Flemish, 1587 – 1631] |
Ryckere, Bernaert de (Rijckere, Bernard de) [Netherlandish, c. 1535 – c. 1590] |
Rysbrack, Michael [Flemish, c. 1684 – 1770] |
S | Return to top |
Sabatini, Lorenzo [Italian, c. 1520 – 1576] |
Sablet, Jacques Henri [Swiss, 1749 – 1803] |
Sacchi, Andrea [Italian, 1599 – 1661] |
Sadeler, Aegidius [Flemish, c. 1555 – c. 1609] |
Sadeler, Aegidius, II [Flemish, c. 1570 – 1629] |
Sadeler, Jan, I [Flemish, 1550 – 1600] |
Sadiqi [Islamic, c. 1533 – 1610] |
Saenredam, Jan [Dutch, 1565 – 1607] |
Saenredam, Pieter Jansz. [Dutch, 1597 – 1665] |
Saftleven, Cornelis [Dutch, 1607 – 1681] |
Saftleven, Herman, II [Dutch, 1609 – 1685] |
Saint-Aubin, Augustin de [French, 1736 – 1807] |
Saint-Aubin, Gabriel de [French, 1724 – 1780] |
Saint-Quentin, Jacques Philippe Joseph de [French, 1738 – after 1780] |
Saive, Jan Baptist [Flemish, c. 1540 – 1624] |
Salai, Andrea [Italian, c. 1480 – c. 1524] |
Salandri, Filippo [Italian, active 18th century] |
Salazar, Basilio de [Spanish, c. 1624 – 1645] |
Salcedo, Sebastián [Mexican, first active 1779] |
Salimbeni, Jacopo [Italian, active c.1404, died after 1472] |
Salimbeni, Lorenzo [Italian, 1374 – c. 1420] |
Salimbeni, Ventura [Italian, 1568 – c. 1613] |
Salviati, Francesco (Rossi, Francesco de') [Italian, 1510 – 1563] |
Salzillo y Alcaraz, Francisco [Spanish, 1707 – 1783] |
Samacchini, Orazio [Italian, 1532 – 1577] |
Sambourne, Edward Linley [English, 1845 – 1910] |
Samostrzelnik, Stanislas [Polish, c. 1485 – c .1541] |
San Friano, Maso da [Italian, 1531 – 1571] |
Sánchez Barba, Juan [Spanish, 1602 – 1673] |
Sánchez Coello, Alonso [Spanish, c. 1531 – 1588] |
Sánchez Cotán, Juan [Spanish, active c. 1560, died 1627] |
Sandby, Paul [English, 1725 – 1809] |
Sandby, Thomas [English, 1723 – 1798] |
Sandeman, George [Scottish, 1724 – 1803] |
Sandrart, Joachim von, I [German, 1606 – 1688] |
Sangallo, Antonio da, the elder [Italian, c. 1455 – 1534] |
Sangallo, Antonio da, the younger [Italian, 1484 – 1546] |
Sangallo, Bastiano da [Italian, 1481 – 1551] |
Sangallo, Francesco da [Italian, 1494 – 1576] |
Sangallo, Giuliano da [Italian, c. 1443 – 1516] |
Sanguigni, Battista di Biagio [Italian, 1392 – 1451] |
Sanmartino, Giuseppe [Italian, c. 1720 – 1793] |
Sanmicheli, Michele [Italian, 1484 – 1559] |
Sano di Pietro [Italian, 1405 – 1481] |
Sansovino, Jacopo [Italian, 1486 – 1570] |
Santacroce, Girolamo da [Italian, c. 1480-1485 – 1556] |
Santi di Tito [Italian, 1536 – 1602] |
Santi, Giovanni [Italian, 1430 or 1440 – 1494] |
Santi, Lorenzo [Italian, 1783 – 1839] |
Saraceni, Carlo [Italian, c. 1579 – 1620] |
Sardi, Giuseppe [Italian, 1621 or 1630 – 1699] |
Sariñena, Juan [Spanish, 1545 – 1619] |
Sarto, Andrea del [Italian, 1486 – 1530] |
Sartorius, Francis, I [English, 1734 – 1804] |
Sartorius, John Nost [English, 1759 – 1828] |
Sassetta [Italian, c. 1400 – 1450] |
Savage, Edward [American, 1761 – 1817] |
Savery, Jacob, I [Dutch, c. 1545 – 1602] |
Savery, Roelandt [Flemish, 1576 – 1639] |
Savin, Paolo [Italian, first active c. 1497] |
Savoldo, Giovanni Girolamo [Italian, first active c. 1480] |
Sbarri, Manno di Sebastiano [Italian, first active 1548] |
Scamozzi, Vincenzo [Italian, 1548 – 1616] |
Scarabelli, Orazio [Italian, first active 1589] |
Scarpagnino, Antonio (Abbondi, Antonio di Pietro) [Italian, c. 1465 – c. 1549] |
Scarsellino (Scarsella, Ippolito) [Italian, c. 1550 – 1620] |
Schadow, Johann Gottfried [German, 1764 – 1850] |
Schalcken, Godfried [Dutch, 1643 – 1706] |
Schalcken, Maria [Dutch, 1647/1650 – 1684/1709] |
Schall, Jean-Frédéric [French, 1752 – 1825] |
Schardt, Johann Gregor van der [Netherlandish, c. 1530 – after 1581] |
Schäufelein, Hans, the elder [German, c. 1482 – c. 1539] |
Schedoni, Bartolomeo [Italian, 1578 – 1615] |
Scheerre, Herman [German, first active c. 1405] |
Schellinks, Willem [Dutch, 1627 – 1678] |
Schenck, Christoph Daniel [German, 1633 – 1691] |
Schiavone, Andrea (Meldolla, Andrea) [Italian, c. 1500 – 1563] |
Schit, Nicolaus [German, first active c. 1495] |
Schmidt, Peter [German, c. 1585 – after 1620] |
Schnatterpeck, Hans [German, first active 1478] |
Schön, Erhard [German, c. 1491 – 1542] |
Schönfeld, Johann Heinrich [German, 1609 – 1682/1683] |
Schongauer, Georg [German, c. 1445 – 1514] |
Schongauer, Ludwig [German, c. 1450 – c. 1494] |
Schongauer, Martin [German, c. 1430 – c. 1491] |
Schooten, Floris Gerritsz. van [Dutch, 1585 – after 1655] |
Scolari, Giuseppe [Italian, first active 1550] |
Scorel, Jan van [Netherlandish, 1495 – 1562] |
Scorza, Sinibaldo [Italian, 1589 – 1631] |
Scrots, Guillaume [Flemish, first active 1537] |
Scultori, Diana [Italian, c. 1535 – 1587] |
Scultori, Giovanni Battista [Italian, 1503 – 1575] |
Sebastiano del Piombo [Italian, c. 1485 – c. 1547] |
Segar, William [English, active 1585, died 1633] |
Segers, Hercules Pietersz. [Dutch, 1589 or 1590 – c. 1638] |
Seghers, Daniel [Flemish, 1590 – 1661] |
Seghers, Gerard [Flemish, 1591 – 1651] |
Seisenegger, Jakob [German, 1505 – 1567] |
Sellaio, Jacopo del [Italian, c. 1441 – 1493] |
Sené, Jean-Bapiste-Claude [French, 1748 – 1803] |
Sergel, Johan Tobias [Swedish, 1740 – 1814] |
Serlio, Sebastiano [Italian, 1475 – c. 1554] |
Serodine, Giovanni [Italian, c. 1600 – 1630] |
Seusenhofer, Hans [Austrian, 1470 – 1555] |
Seusenhofer, Jörg [Austrian, 1516 – 1558] |
Seusenhofer, Konrad [Austrian, c. 1465 – 1517] |
Severino da Cingoli, Ulisse [Italian, 1512 – 1600] |
Severo da Ravenna [Italian, first active c. 1496] |
Seymour, James [English, 1702 – 1752] |
Seymour, John [American, c. 1738 – c. 1818] |
Sforza di Marcantonio [Italian, active 1535, died 1580] |
Sharples, James [American, 1751/1752 – 1811] |
Sharples, Rolinda [English, 1794 – 1838] |
Siberechts, Jan [Flemish, 1627 – c. 1703] |
Sigman, Jörg [German, 1527 – 1601] |
Signorelli, Luca [Italian, c. 1441 or 1450 – 1523] |
Siloé, Gil de [Spanish, active 1486, died c. 1501] |
Silvestre, Israël [French, 1621 – 1691] |
Simpson, Ralph [English, 1651 – 1724] |
Sinan [Islamic, c. 1500 – c. 1588] |
Sirani, Elisabetta [Italian, 1638 – 1665] |
Sittow, Michael [Netherlandish, c. 1468 – 1525 or 1526] |
Sixdeniers, Christian [Flemish, 1529 – 1545] |
Sixt von Staufen, Hans [German, first active 1521] |
Skelton, Jonathan [English, active 1754, died 1758] |
Slater, Samuel [American, first active c. 1793] |
Slingeland, Pieter Cornelisz. van [Dutch, 1640 – 1691] |
Slodtz, René-Michel (Slodtz, Michel-Ange) [French, 1705 – 1764] |
Slodtz, Sébastien [Flemish, 1655 – 1726] |
Sluter, Claus [Netherlandish, c. 1360 – before 1406] |
Smeraldi, Francesco [Italian, first active 1592] |
Smibert, John [Scottish, 1688 – 1751] |
Smith, John Warwick [English, 1749 – 1831] |
Smith, Thomas [American, first active 1680] |
Smythson, Robert [American, c. 1535 – 1614] |
Snyders, Frans [Flemish, 1579 – 1657] |
Sodoma (Bazzi, Giovanni Antonio) [Italian, 1477 – 1549] |
Sogliani, Giovanni Antonio [Italian, 1492 – 1544] |
Sohn, Carl Ferdinand [German, 1805 – 1867] |
Solari, Cristoforo [Italian, c. 1468 – 1524] |
Solario, Andrea [Italian, c. 1465 – 1524] |
Solario, Antonio [Italian, first active 1502] |
Soldani, Massimiliano [Italian, 1656 – 1740] |
Solimena, Francesco [Italian, 1657 – 1747] |
Solis, Virgilius, the elder [German, 1514 – 1562] |
Somer, Paulus van, I [Flemish, 1576 – 1621] |
Son, Joris van [Flemish, 1623 – 1667] |
Soreau, Isaak [Dutch, 1604 – c. 1638] |
Sorg, Jörg, the younger [German, c. 1522 – 1603] |
Sorgh, Hendrik Martensz. [Dutch, c. 1610 – 1670] |
Soria, Martín de [Spanish, first active c. 1449] |
Soufflot, Jacques Germain [French, 1713 – 1780] |
Specchi, Alessandro [Italian, 1668 – 1729] |
Specklin, Veit Rudolph [German, died 1550] |
Speeckaert, Hans (Speckaert, Hans) [Flemish, c. 1530/40 – 1577] |
Spelt, Adriaen van der [Dutch, 1630 – 1673] |
Sperandio Savelli [Italian, c. 1425 – c. 1504] |
Sperling, Hieronymus [German, 1695 – c. 1777] |
Spierincx, Frans (Spiering, François) [French, 1551 – 1630] |
Spillenberger, Johann, the younger [German, c. 1628 – 1679] |
Spilman, John [English, died 1626] |
Spinelli, Niccolò [Italian, 1430 – 1514] |
Spinelli, Parri [Italian, 1387 – c. 1453] |
Spor, Christian [Austrian, died 1485] |
Spranger, Bartholomaeus [Flemish, 1546 – 1611] |
Sprimont, Nicholas [Flemish, 1716 – 1771] |
Springinklee, Hans [German, c. 1495 – c. 1542] |
Stanley, Dorothy [English, 1855 – 1926] |
Stanton, William [English, 1639 – 1705] |
Starov, Ivan [Russian, 1745 – 1808] |
Stati, Cristoforo [Italian, 1556 – 1619] |
Steen, Jan [Dutch, 1626 – 1679] |
Steenwijck, Hendrick van, the younger [Flemish, c. 1580 – 1649] |
Steenwinkel, Antonie van [Dutch, died 1688] |
Steenwyck, Harmen van [Dutch, 1612 – c. 1656] |
Steenwyck, Pieter van [Dutch, active 1632, died after 1654] |
Steer, Philip Wilson [English, 1860 – 1942] |
Stefano da Verona [Italian, c. 1374 – c. 1438] |
Stefano d'Antonio di Vanni [Italian, 1405 – 1483] |
Stella, Jacques [French, 1596 – 1657] |
Stetter, Wilhelm [German, c. 1487 – 1552] |
Stevens, Pieter [Flemish, c. 1567 – after 1624] |
Stiegel, Henry William [American, 1729 – 1785] |
Stimmer, Tobias [Swiss, 1539 – 1584] |
Stockt, Vrancke van der [Netherlandish, before 1420 – c. 1495] |
Stom, Matthias (Stomer, Matthias) [Dutch, c. 1600 – after 1650] |
Stoss, Veit, the elder [German, c. 1445-50 – 1533] |
Stosskopf, Sebastian [German, 1597 – 1657] |
Stothard, Thomas [English, 1755 – 1834] |
Stradanus (Jan Van Der Straet) [Flemish, 1523 – 1605] |
Straeten, Georges (Jorge De La Rua) [Flemish, first active 1560] |
Strigel, Bernhard [German, 1460 – 1528] |
Strozzi, Bernardo [Italian, 1581 – 1644] |
Strozzi, Zanobi di Benedetto [Italian, 1412 – 1468] |
Strüb, Jakob [German, first active c. 1500] |
Stuart, James [English, 1713 – 1788] |
Stubbs, George [English, 1724 – 1806] |
Subleyras, Pierre [French, 1699 – 1749] |
Sultan Muhammad [Islamic, first active c. 1505] |
Sultan Muhammad Khandan [Islamic, died c. 1550] |
Susi, Lodewik [Flemish, first active 1616] |
Susini, Antonio [Italian, first active 1572] |
Susini, Clemente [Italian, 1754 – 1805] |
Susini, Giovanni Francesco [Italian, 1585 – 1653] |
Sustris, Friedrich [Dutch, c. 1540 – 1599] |
Sustris, Lambert (Lamberto Fiammingo) [Netherlandish, c. 1515 – after 1560] |
Suttermans, Justus (Sustermans, Justus) [Flemish, 1597 – 1681] |
Suvée, Joseph-Benoît [French, 1743 – 1807] |
Swanenburg, Willem van [Dutch, 1580 – 1612] |
Swart van Groningen, Jan [Netherlandish, c. 1500 – c. 1560] |
Swart, Pieter de [Dutch, 1702 – 1772] |
Sweerts, Michael [Flemish, 1618 – 1665] |
Swinburne, Henry [English, 1743 – 1803] |
Swynnerton, Annie Louisa [English, 1844 – 1933] |
T | Return to top |
Tacca, Ferdinando [Italian, 1619 – c. 1686] |
Taddeo di Bartolo [Italian, c. 1362 – c. 1422] |
Taillandier, Vincent [French, 1736 – 1790] |
Talpa, Bartolo [Italian, first active c. 1495] |
Tamas of Koloszvar [Hungarian, first active c. 1400] |
Tamm, Franz Werner von [German, 1658 – 1724] |
Tanzio da Varallo (Antonio d'Enrico) [Italian, c. 1575-1580 – c. 1632-1633] |
Taraval, Louis Gustave [Swedish, 1738 – 1794] |
Tarchiani, Filippo [Italian, 1576 – 1645] |
Tasselli, Domenico [Italian, first active c. 1605] |
Tassi, Agostino [Italian, c. 1579 – 1644] |
Tavarone, Lazzaro [Italian, 1556 – 1641] |
Temanza, Tommaso [Italian, 1705 – 1789] |
Tempel, Abraham Lambertsz. van den [Dutch, 1622/1623 – 1672] |
Tempesta, Antonio [Italian, 1555 – 1630] |
Teniers, David, II (Teniers, David, the younger) [Flemish, 1610 – 1690] |
Tenniel, John [English, 1820 – 1914] |
Tessin, Nicodemus, the younger [Swedish, 1654 – 1728] |
Testa, Pietro [Italian, 1611 or 1612 – 1650] |
Theus, Jeremiah [American, 1719 – 1774] |
Thibault, Jean Thomas [French, 1757 – 1826] |
Thielen, Jan Philip van [Flemish, 1618 – 1667] |
Thiry, Leonard [Flemish, active 1536, died 1550] |
Thomas, Jan [Flemish, 1617 – 1678] |
Thopas, Johan [Dutch, c. 1630 – c. 1700] |
Thornhill, James [English, 1675 – 1734] |
Thulden, Theodor van (Thulden, Theodoor van) [Flemish, 1606 – 1669] |
Tibaldi, Pellegrino [Italian, 1527 – 1596] |
Tiegen, Jan van [Netherlandish, active 16th century] |
Tiel, Justus [Flemish, first active 1590] |
Tielke, Joachim [German, 1641 – 1719] |
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista [Italian, 1696 – 1770] |
Tiepolo, Giovanni Domenico [Italian, 1727 – 1804] |
Tijou, Jean [French, first active 1660] |
Tintoretto, Domenico [Italian, 1560 – 1635] |
Tintoretto, Jacopo (Robusti, Jacopo) [Italian, 1519 – 1594] |
Tischbein, Johann Heinrich [German, 1722 – 1789] |
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) [Italian, c. 1488 – c. 1576] |
Todini, Michele [Italian, c. 1616 – 1689] |
Toeput, Lodewijk (Pozzoserrato) [Flemish, c. 1550 – c. 1605] |
Toft, Thomas [English, first active 1663] |
Toledo, Juan Bautista de [Spanish, died 1567] |
Tomé, Narcisco [Spanish, c. 1694 – 1742] |
Tonelli, Giuseppe [Italian, 1668 – 1732] |
Toorenvliet, Jacob [Dutch, c. 1635 – 1719] |
Torelli, Filippo di Matteo [Italian, 1409 – 1468] |
Tori Kiyomasu II [Japanese, 1706 – 1763] |
Torii Kiyohiro [Japanese, first active 1751] |
Torii Kiyonaga [Japanese, 1752 – 1815] |
Torii Kiyonobu I [Japanese, 1664 – 1729] |
Torretti, Giuseppe, I [Italian, 1664 – 1743] |
Torrigiani, Pietro [Italian, 1472 – 1528] |
Torrigiano, Pietro [Italian, 1472 – 1528] |
Tōshūsai Sharaku [Japanese, first active 1794] |
Tosini, Michele [Italian, 1503 – 1577] |
Tournier, Nicolas [French, 1590 – c. 1660] |
Towne, Francis [English, c. 1739 – 1816] |
Townsend, John [American, 1732 – 1809] |
Traut, Wolf [German, c. 1480 – 1520] |
Traversi, Gaspare [Italian, 1722 ca. – 1770 ca.] |
Trinquesse, Louis Rolland [French, 1745 – c. 1800] |
Tripier Lefranc, Eugènie [French, 1805 – 1872] |
Trissino, Gian Giorgio [Italian, 1478 – 1550] |
Tristán de Escamilla, Luis [Spanish, c. 1587 – 1624] |
Troy, Jean François de [French, 1679 – 1752] |
Tuby, Jean, the elder (Tubi, Jean) [French, 1635 – 1700] |
Tura, Cosmè (Tura, Cosimo) [Italian, c. 1430 – 1495] |
Turchi, Alessandro [Italian, 1578 – 1649] |
Twelves, Robert [American, active 18th century] |
Tzafouris, Nicholas [Greek, first active c. 1475] |
U | Return to top |
Uberti, Lucantonio degli [Italian, first active c. 1503] |
Uccello, Paolo [Italian, 1397 – 1475] |
Uden, Lucas van [Flemish, 1595 – 1672] |
Urbini, Francesco [Italian, first active 1537] |
Utagawa Toyoharu [Japanese, 1735 – 1814] |
Utagawa Toyohiro [Japanese, 1773 – 1829] |
Utagawa Toyokuni [Japanese, 1769 – 1825] |
Utamaro, Kitagawa [Japanese, 1753 – 1806] |
Utens, Giusto [Italian, active c. 1598, died 1609] |
Utrecht, Adriaen van [Flemish, 1599 – 1652] |
V | Return to top |
Vaillant, Wallerant [Dutch, 1623 – 1677] |
Valck, Gerard [Dutch, c. 1651 – 1726] |
Valckenborch, Lucas van [Flemish, after 1535 – 1597] |
Valckert, Werner Jacobsz. van den [Dutch, c. 1580 – c. 1627] |
Valdés Leal, Juan de [Spanish, 1622 – 1690] |
Valenciennes, Pierre Henri de [French, 1750 – 1819] |
Valeriani, Giuseppe [Italian, 1720 – 1761] |
Vallayer-Coster, Anne [French, 1744 – 1818] |
Valpuesta, Pedro de [Spanish, c. 1614 – 1668] |
Vanbrugh, John [English, 1664 – 1726] |
Vanderbank, John, the elder [English, first active 1689] |
Vanderlyn, John [American, 1775 – 1852] |
Vanderlyn, Pieter [American, c. 1687 – 1778] |
Vanmour, Jean Baptiste [French, 1671 – 1737] |
Vanni, Francesco [Italian, 1563 – 1610] |
Varley, Cornelius [English, 1781 – 1873] |
Varley, John, I [English, 1778 – 1842] |
Varotari, Chiara [Italian, 1584 – after 1663] |
Varotari, Dario, the elder [Italian, 1539 – 1596] |
Vasari, Giorgio [Italian, 1511 – 1574] |
Vasi, Giuseppe [Italian, 1710 – 1782] |
Vásquez de Arce y Ceballos, Gregorio [Colombian, 1638 – 1711] |
Vassé, Louis-Claude [French, 1716 – 1772] |
Vázquez de Segovia, Lorenzo [Spanish, c. 1450 – 1515] |
Veccietta (Lorenzo di Pietro) [Italian, c. 1412 – 1480] |
Vecellio, Orazio [Italian, c. 1515 – before 1576] |
Velázquez, Diego [Spanish, 1599 – 1660] |
Velde, Adriaen van de [Dutch, 1636 – 1672] |
Velde, Esaias van de, I [Dutch, 1587 – 1630] |
Velde, Jan van de, II [Dutch, first active c. 1593] |
Velde, Jan van de, III [Dutch, c. 1620 – 1662] |
Velde, Willem van de, I [Dutch, 1611 – 1693] |
Velde, Willem van de, II [Dutch, 1633 – 1707] |
Vellert, Dirk [Netherlandish, 1480-1485 – 1547] |
Velten, Jan [Dutch, first active 1687] |
Venne, Adriaen van de [Dutch, 1589 – 1662] |
Venusti, Marcello [Italian, c. 1512 – 1579] |
Verbeeck, Frans [Flemish, died 1570] |
Verbruggen, Gaspar Peeter de, the elder [Flemish, 1635 – 1681] |
Verbruggen, Hendrick Frans [Flemish, 1654 – 1724] |
Verdier, François [French, 1651 – 1730] |
Verelst, Johannes [Dutch, 1638 – 1734] |
Verelst, Simon Pietersz. [Dutch, 1644 – c. 1721] |
Verhaecht, Tobias [Flemish, c. 1560 – 1631] |
Verkolje, Jan, I [Dutch, 1650 – 1693] |
Verkolje, Nicolaas [Dutch, 1673 – 1746] |
Vermeer, Jan [Dutch, 1632 – 1675] |
Vermeyen, Jan Cornelis [Netherlandish, c. 1500 – c. 1559] |
Vernet, Claude-Joseph [French, 1714 – 1789] |
Verona, Maffeo [Italian, c. 1574 – 1618] |
Veronese, Paolo (Caliari, Paolo) [Italian, 1528 – 1588] |
Verrio, Antonio [Italian, c. 1639 – 1707] |
Verrocchio, Andrea del [Italian, 1435 – 1488] |
Verspronck, Jan [Dutch, c. 1606 – 1662] |
Vesalius, Andreas (Andreas van Wesel) [Netherlandish, 1514 – 1564] |
Vianen, Adam van [Dutch, c. 1568 – 1627] |
Vianen, Christiaen van [Dutch, c. 1600 – 1667] |
Vicentino, Niccolò [Italian, first active c. 1540] |
Vico, Enea [Italian, 1523 – 1567] |
Victor, Jan [Dutch, 1619 – after 1676] |
Vidal, Pedro Antonio [Spanish, born c. 1570] |
Vien, Joseph-Marie, the elder [French, 1716 – 1809] |
Vigée-Lebrun, Élisabeth Louise [French, 1755 – 1842] |
Vigier, Philibert [French, 1636 – 1719] |
Vignali, Jacopo [Italian, 1592 – 1664] |
Vignola, Jacopo da [Italian, 1507 – 1573] |
Vignon, Claude [French, 1593 – 1670] |
Villabrille y Ron, Juan Alonso [Spanish, 1663 – after 1728] |
Villalpando, Cristóbal de [Mexican, c. 1649 – 1714] |
Vincent, François André [French, 1746 – 1816] |
Vincidor, Tommaso [Italian, first active 1520] |
Vinckboons, David [Flemish, c. 1576 – c. 1632] |
Vischer, Georg Mathias [Austrian, 1628 – 1696] |
Vischer, Peter, the elder [German, c. 1460 – c. 1529] |
Vischer, Peter, the younger [German, 1487 – 1528] |
Visentini, Antonio [Italian, 1688 – 1782] |
Visscher, Claes Jansz. [Dutch, 1587 – 1652] |
Visscher, Cornelis [Dutch, c. 1629 – 1658] |
Vitali, Alessandro [Italian, 1580 – 1630] |
Vittoria, Alessandro [Italian, 1525 – 1608] |
Vivarini, Alvise [Italian, c. 1442-1453 – c. 1503-1505] |
Vivarini, Antonio [Italian, c. 1415 – c. 1476-1484] |
Vivarini, Bartolomeo [Italian, active c. 1440, died after 1500] |
Vivien, Joseph [French, 1657 – 1734] |
Vlieger, Simon de [Dutch, 1601 – 1653] |
Vliet, Hendrik Cornelisz. van [Dutch, 1611 – 1675] |
Vliet, Jan Georg van [Dutch, ca. 1610 – after 1635] |
Vliete, Jacob van den (Giacomo della Riviera) [Flemish, active before 1627, died 1639] |
Voet, Jakob-Ferdinand [Flemish, 1639 – c. 1700] |
Vogtherr, Heinrich, the elder [German, 1490 – 1556] |
Voort, Cornelis Pietersz. van der [Flemish, c. 1576 – 1624] |
Vorsterman, Lucas [Flemish, 1595 – 1675] |
Vos, Cornelis de [Flemish, c. 1584 – c. 1651] |
Vos, Jan de [Dutch, c. 1578 – after 1626] |
Vos, Maarten de [Flemish, 1532 – 1603] |
Vos, Paul de [Flemish, c. 1591-92 or 1595 – 1678] |
Vos, Simon de [Flemish, 1603 – 1676] |
Vosmaer, Daniel [Dutch, first active 1650] |
Vosmaer, Jacob [Dutch, 1584 – 1641] |
Vouet, Simon [French, 1590 – 1649] |
Vrancx, Sebastian [Flemish, 1573 – 1647] |
Vredeman de Vries, Hans [Dutch, 1527 – c. 1606] |
Vredeman de Vries, Paul [Flemish, 1567 – after 1630] |
Vrel, Jacobus [Dutch, first active 1654] |
Vrelant, Guillaume [Netherlandish, active c. 1449, died 1481] |
Vries, Dirck de [Dutch, first active 1590] |
Vroom, Cornelis, the younger [Dutch, c. 1591 – 1661] |
Vroom, Hendrick Cornelisz. [Dutch, 1566 – 1640] |
W | Return to top |
Wagenbauer, Max Josef [German, 1775 – 1829] |
Wägmann, Hans Heinrich [Swiss, 1557 – c. 1628] |
Wailly, Charles de [French, 1729 – 1798] |
Walker, Robert [English, 1599 – 1658] |
Walpole, Horace [English, 1717 – 1797] |
Walscapelle, Jacob van [Dutch, 1644 – 1727] |
Ward, James [English, 1769 – 1859] |
Warin, Jean [French, 1607 – 1672] |
Waser, Anna [Swiss, 1678 – 1714] |
Washington, George [American, 1732 – 1799] |
Wassenhove, Joos van (Joos van Gent) [Flemish, first active 1460] |
Waterloo, Anthonie [Dutch, c. 1610 – 1690] |
Watson, John [American, 1685 – 1768] |
Watteau, Francois Louis Joseph [French, 1758 – 1823] |
Watteau, Jean-Antoine [French, 1684 – 1721] |
Wechtlin, Hans, the elder [German, c. 1480 – after 1526] |
Wedgwood, Josiah [English, 1730 – 1795] |
Weekes, Frederick [English, 1854 – 1893] |
Weenix, Jan [Dutch, 1642 – 1719] |
Weiditz, Hans, II [German, before 1500 – c. 1536] |
Weidner, Johann [German, 1628 – 1706] |
Weisweiler, Adam [French, 1744 – 1820] |
Welsch, Maximilian von [German, 1671 – 1745] |
Wenzel von Olmütz [German, first active 1481] |
Werff, Adriaen van der [Dutch, 1659 – 1722] |
Werner, Joseph, II [Swiss, 1637 – 1710] |
Wertinger, Hans [German, c. 1465 – 1533] |
Wertmüller, Adolf Ulric [Swedish, 1751 – 1811] |
Wertmuller, Adolf Ulrik [Swedish, 1751 – 1811] |
Wesel, Adriaen van [Netherlandish, born c. 1417] |
West, Benjamin [American, 1738 – 1820] |
Weyden, Goswijn van der [Flemish, c. 1465 – after 1538] |
Weyden, Pieter van der [Netherlandish, c. 1437 – 1514] |
Weyden, Rogier van der [Flemish, 1399 – 1464] |
Weyer, Hermann [German, 1596 – c. 1621] |
Wezeler, Georg [Flemish, first active c. 1520] |
Wheatley, Francis [English, 1747 – 1801] |
Whieldon, Thomas [English, 1719 – 1795] |
White, John [English, c. 1540 – c. 1593] |
Wicar, Jean Baptiste Joseph [Italian, 1762 – 1834] |
Wieninger, Lorenz [Austrian, 1768 – 1828] |
Wieringen, Cornelis Claesz. van [Dutch, c. 1580 – 1633] |
Wierix, Hieronymus [Flemish, 1553 – 1619] |
Wierix, Johan [Flemish, 1549 – c. 1618] |
Wiertz, Antoine Joseph [Belgian, 1806 – 1865] |
Wildens, Jan [Flemish, 1585 – 1653] |
Wilkie, David [Scottish, 1785 – 1841] |
Williams, William [American, 1727 – 1791] |
Wilson, Richard [English, c. 1713 – 1782] |
Wilton, Joseph [English, 1722 – 1803] |
Wingendorp, George [Dutch, first active 1654] |
Winghe, Jeremias van [Flemish, 1578 – 1645] |
Winghe, Joos van [Netherlandish, 1544 – 1603] |
Wissing, Willem [Dutch, 1656 – 1687] |
Wit, Jacob de [Dutch, 1695 – 1754] |
Withoos, Franz [Dutch, 1657 – 1705] |
Witte, Emanuel de [Dutch, c. 1617 – 1692] |
Wittel, Gaspar van (Vanvitelli, Gaspare) [Flemish, 1652 or 1653 – 1736] |
Witz, Konrad [German, c. 1400-1410 – c. 1445-1446] |
Witz, Michel, the younger [Austrian, first active 1539] |
Wolf, Caspar [Swiss, 1735 – 1783] |
Wolgemut, Michael [German, c. 1434 – 1519] |
Wollaston, John [English, first active 1736] |
Wood, John, the younger [English, 1728 – 1781] |
Woodward, George Moutard [English, c. 1760 – 1809] |
Woolley, Edmund [American, c. 1695 – 1771] |
Woudt, Jan Cornelisz. van't [Dutch, c. 1570 – 1615] |
Wouwerman, Philips [Dutch, 1619 – 1668] |
Wren, Christopher [English, 1632 – 1723] |
Wright, John Michael [English, 1617 – 1694] |
Wright, Joseph, of Derby [English, 1734 – 1797] |
Wtewael, Joachim Anthonisz [Dutch, 1566 – 1638] |
Wyck, Jan [Dutch, c. 1640 – c. 1700] |
Wyck, Thomas [Dutch, 1616 – 1677] |
X | Return to top |
Xanto Avelli, Francesco [Italian, c. 1487 – c. 1542] |
Y | Return to top |
Yañez de la Almedina, Fernando [Spanish, first active 1506] |
Yepes, Tomás [Spanish, c. 1610 – 1674] |
Yi Lantai [Chinese, first active 1749] |
Yosa Buson [Japanese, 1716 – 1783] |
Ysenbrandt, Adrien (Isenbrant, Adriaen) [Flemish, c. 1500 – before 1551] |
Z | Return to top |
Zaganelli, Bernardino di Bosio [Italian, c. 1460 – 1510] |
Zamberlan, Francesco [Italian, 1529 – 1606] |
Zanetti, Anton Maria, II [Italian, 1706 – 1778] |
Zanino di Pietro [Italian, active 1389, died before 1448] |
Zanoia, Giuseppe [Italian, 1752 – 1817] |
Zarza, Vasco de la [Spanish, active 1499, died 1524] |
Zeckel, Johannes [German, died 1728] |
Zehender, Gabriel [Swiss, first active c. 1517] |
Zeiner, Lukas [Swiss, c. 1450 – 1513] |
Zeitblom, Bartholome [German, c. 1455 – c. 1520] |
Zelotti, Giovanni Battista (Farinati, Giambattista) [Italian, 1526 – 1578] |
Zimmermann, Dominikus [German, c. 1685 – 1766] |
Zingg, Adrian [Swiss, 1734 – 1816] |
Zoffany, Johann [German, 1733 – 1810] |
Zoppo, Marco [Italian, c. 1432 – c. 1478] |
Zuccaro, Federico [Italian, c. 1541 – 1609] |
Zuccaro, Taddeo [Italian, 1529 – 1566] |
Zucchi, Jacopo [Italian, c. 1540 – c. 1589] |
Zurbarán, Francisco de [Spanish, 1598 – 1664] |
Zürn, Jörg [German, 1583 or 1584 – 1635-1638] |
Zwolle, Arnt von [Netherlandish, active c. 1460, died 1492] |