SJSU Art History and Visual Culture
VRL Image Database

Medieval Artists:

Abu Zayd [Islamic, c. 1186 – 1219]
Ahmad ibn Muhammad Astak [Islamic, first active c. 1150]
Al-Wasiti, Yahya b. Mahmud [Islamic, active 13th century]
Altichiero [Italian, c. 1330 – before 1393]
Ambrogio di Baldese [Italian, 1352 – 1429]
Andrea da Firenze (Bonaiuti, Andrea) [Italian, active 1346, died 1379]
Andrea Pisano [Italian, c. 1295 – 1348 or 1349]
Antelami, Benedetto [Italian, c. 1150 – c. 1230]
Anthemius of Tralles [Byzantine, c. 474 – c. 534]
Antonio Veneziano [Italian, first active c. 1369]
Arabshah, al-Hasan ibn [Islamic, active 13th century]
Arnolfo di Cambio [Italian, 1265 – 1302]
BReturn to top
Barna da Siena [Italian, first active c. 1330]
Barnaba da Modena [Italian, first active 1361]
Bartolo di Fredi [Italian, active 1353, died 1410]
Bassa, Ferrer [Spanish, c. 1290 – 1348]
Bataille, Nicolas [French, c. 1330 – c. 1405]
Beaumetz, Jean de [French, c. 1335 – c. 1396]
Berlinghieri, Bonaventura [Italian, first active 1228]
Berlinghiero [Italian, active c. 1228, died 1236]
Bertram von Minden [German, c. 1345 – c. 1415]
Biduino [Italian, first active 1180]
Bonsi, Giovanni [Italian, first active c. 1351]
Boudolf, Jan (Bondol, Jean) [Netherlandish, first active 1368]
Bulgarini, Bartolommeo [Italian, active by 1337, died 1378]
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Calendario, Filippo [Italian, before 1315 – 1355]
Capanna, Puccio [Italian, first active c. 1325]
Carlo da Camerino [Italian, first active c. 1396]
Caterino Veneziano [Italian, first active 1362]
Cimabue [Italian, c. 1240 – before 1302]
Cresques, Abraham [Spanish, 1325 – 1387]
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Daddi, Bernardo [Italian, first active c. 1280]
Dominicus [Spanish, first active 1192]
Duccio Di Buoninsegna [Italian, c. 1255 – c. 1319]
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Eilbertus of Cologne [German, first active 1129]
Embriachi, Baldassare [Italian, first active c. 1390]
Embriachi, Baldassare [Italian, first active c. 1390]
Emeterio (Emeterius) [Spanish, first active 968]
Ende [Spanish, first active c. 975]
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Gaddi, Agnolo [Italian, active 1369, died 1396]
Gaddi, Taddeo [Italian, active c. 1325, died 1366]
Giottino (Giotto di Maestro Stefano) [Italian, active 14th century]
Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) [Italian, c 1267 – 1337]
Giovanni da Bologna [Italian, first active c. 1350]
Giovanni da Milano (Giovanni da Como) [Italian, first active 1346]
Giovanni del Biondo [Italian, active 1356, died 1399]
Giovanni di Bartolomeo Cristiani [Italian, active 1347, died 1400]
Giovanni di Paolo Veneziano [Italian, first active 1345]
Gislebertus [French, first active c. 1120]
Giunta Pisano [Italian, first active 1236]
Goodhart Master [Italian, first active 1300]
Goro di Gregorio [Italian, first active 1300]
Grassi, Giovannino de [Italian, died 1398]
Gregory Master (Master of the Registrum Gregorii) [German, first active c. 972]
Guariento [Italian, active c. 1338, died c. 1367-1370]
Guido da Siena [Italian, first active c. 1250]
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Hildegard, Saint (Hildegard von Bingen) [German, 1098 – 1197]
Hugo d'Oignies [Netherlandish, first active 1187]
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Ioannes [Spanish, first active c. 920]
Isidore of Miletus (Isidorus of Miletus) [Byzantine, died after 537]
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Jacobello di Bonomo [Italian, first active 1375]
Jacopo del Casentino (Jacopo Landini) [Italian, 1279 – c. 1358]
Jacopo di Cione [Italian, c. 1320 – before 1400]
Jacopo di Mino del Pellicciaio [Italian, first active 1344]
Jacques de Baerze [Netherlandish, first active before 1384]
Ja'far ibn Muhammad ibn 'Ali [Islamic, first active c. 1181]
Jean de Marville [Netherlandish, first active 1366]
Jean Le Noir [French, first active c. 1331]
John of Worchester [English, first active c. 1120]
Junayd [Islamic, active 14th century]
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Leonardo di ser Giovanni [Italian, first active 1358]
Lippo Memmi [Italian, first active 1317]
Lippo Vanni [Italian, first active 1344]
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio [Italian, 1285 – 1348]
Lorenzetti, Pietro [Italian, 1290 – 1348]
Lorenzo di Bicci [Italian, c. 1350 – c. 1427]
Luca di Tommè [Italian, first active 1355]
MReturn to top
Magius [Spanish, first active c. 926]
Maitani, Lorenzo [Italian, 1290 – 1330]
Marco Romano [Italian, first active 1317]
Martini, Simone [Italian, c. 1284 – 1344]
Maso di Banco [Italian, first active 1336]
Master Francesco [Italian, first active c. 1300]
Master Heinrich of Constance [Swiss, first active c. 1300]
Master Hugo [English, first active c. 1135]
Master Niccolò [Italian, first active c. 1229]
Master of 1336 [Italian, first active 1300]
Master of Cabestany [Spanish, first active 1130]
Master of Forlì [Italian, first active c. 1300]
Master of Maderuelo [Spanish, first active c. 1123]
Master of Monte Oliveto [Italian, first active c. 1305]
Master of Saint Agatha (Maestro della Sant'Agata) [Italian, first active 1250]
Master of Saint Francis of Assisi [Italian, first active 1250]
Master of San Giovanni Fuorcivitas [Italian, first active c. 1350]
Master of San Martino alla Palma [Italian, first active 1325]
Master of San Torpè [Italian, first active c. 1290]
Master of Santa Chiara [Italian, first active c. 1290]
Master of Santa Maria la Bianca [Italian, first active c. 1190]
Master of the Ashmolean Predella [Italian, first active c. 1365]
Master of the Assisi Choirbooks [Italian, first active c. 1275]
Master of the Bigallo Crucifix [Italian, first active c. 1225]
Master of the Blue Crucifixes [Italian, first active 1265]
Master of the Dominican Effigies [Italian, first active c. 1328]
Master of the Golden Gate [Italian, first active c. 1350]
Master of the Magdalen (Magdalen Master) [Italian, first active c. 1265]
Master of the Misericordia [Italian, first active c. 1350]
Master of the Parement de Narbonne [French, first active c. 1375]
Master of the Perkins Saint Paul [Italian, first active c. 1350]
Master of the Piani d'Invrea Cross [Italian, first active c.1320]
Master of the Rinuccini Chapel [Italian, first active 1350]
Master of the Saint George Codex [Italian, first active c. 1325]
Master of the Saint Martino Madonna [Italian, first active c. 1280]
Master of the Spinola Annunciation [Italian, first active c. 1310]
Master of the Treasury [Italian, first active c. 1233]
Master of the Velluti Chapel [Italian, first active c. 1300]
Master of Wittingau (Master of the Trebon Altarpiece) [Bohemian, first active c. 1380]
Master Theodoric [Bohemian, first active 1359]
Mateo [Spanish, first active 1168]
Matteo di Giovanetto (Giovanetti da Viterbo, Matteo) [Italian, c. 1300 – 1368 or 1369]
Mazza, Tommaso del [Italian, first active c. 1370]
Memmo di Filippuccio [Italian, first active 1294]
Minorita, Fra Paolino [Italian, c. 1270 – c. 1344]
Montreuil, Pierre de [French, c. 1200 – c. 1264]
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Nardo di Cione [Italian, c. 1320 – 1365/1366]
Neri da Rimini [Italian, first active c. 1300]
Niccolò di Buonaccorso [Italian, c. 1348 – 1388]
Niccolò di Segna [Italian, first active 1331]
Nicholas Of Verdun [French, first active 1181]
Nino Pisano (Nino da Pisa) [Italian, c. 1315 – c. 1368]
Nunnius (Nunnio) [Spanish, first active c. 1073]
OReturn to top
Oderisi, Roberto d' [Italian, first active c. 1330]
Opicinus de Canistris [Italian, 1296 – after 1334]
Orcagna (Andrea Orcagna) [Italian, c. 1315 – 1368]
Orlandi, Deodato (Orlando, Deodato di) [Italian, active 1288, died before 1331]
PReturn to top
Pacino di Bonaguida [Italian, first active 1302]
Paolo di Giovanni Fei [Italian, c. 1345 – c. 1411]
Paolo Veneziano (Paolo da Venezia) [Italian, first active 1324]
Paris, Matthew [English, 1200 – 1259]
Parler, Heinrich [German, first active c. 1330]
Parler, Peter [German, c. 1333 – 1399]
Piero di Giovanni Tedesco [Italian, first active 1386]
Pietro da Rimini [Italian, first active c. 1324]
Pisano, Bonanno [Italian, first active c. 1174]
Pisano, Giovanni [Italian, c. 1240 – before 1320]
Pisano, Nicola [Italian, first active 1258]
Puccinelli, Angelo [Italian, first active 1380]
Pucelle, Jean [French, first active c. 1319]
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Rabbula [Syrian, first active c. 586]
Renier de Huy (Rainer of Huy) [Netherlandish, first active 1107]
Rinaldo da Siena [Italian, first active c. 1270]
Roger von Helmarshausen [German, first active c. 1100]
SReturn to top
Saint Cecilia Master [Italian, first active 1290]
Second Master of San Domenico [Italian, first active c. 1300]
Segna di Bonaventura [Italian, active c. 1298, died before 1331]
Silvestro dei Gherarducci [Italian, 1339 – 1399]
Spinello Aretino [Italian, 1350 or 1352 – 1410]
Starnina, Gherardo [Italian, c. 1360 – before 1413]
Stefano Veneziano [Italian, first active 1369]
Suleyman [Islamic, first active c. 796]
TReturn to top
Talenti, Simone [Italian, c. 1330-1340 – after 1383]
Tegliacci, Niccolò di Ser Sozzo [Italian, active c. 1334, died 1363]
Tino di Camaino [Italian, c. 1285 – c. 1337]
Torriti, Jacopo [Italian, first active 1270]
Traini, Francesco [Italian, first active 1321]
Tressa Master (Master of the Tressa Dossal) [Italian, c. 1215 – c. 1250]
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Veneziano, Lorenzo [Italian, first active c. 1356]
Vesconte, Pietro [Italian, first active c. 1300]
Vigila [Spanish, first active 974]
Villard de Honnecourt [French, first active c. 1220]
Vimara [Spanish, first active 920]
Vitale da Bologna [Italian, c. 1309 – c. 1359-1361]
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Wiligelmo (Wiligelmus) [Italian, first active c. 1099]
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Zain Hasan Sulaiman Isfahani [Islamic, first active c. 1360]